Scriptures and Beyond

Around millions of years back, while the evolution of scriptures took place, the underlying motto of the literature was to deduce the meaning of universe as a whole from the Godly perspective . The criterion to understand this world better and to live the way the creation urns us to be , it is aContinue reading “Scriptures and Beyond”

Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?

In the era of evolution of humanity and expansion, it is more than necessary to stay rooted every day. Being rooted, keeps the humans more open and instigates awareness about the limitations of mankind. It is more than important to include an inner peace routine in your daily schedule no matter who you are byContinue reading “Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?”

At the edge of two crossroads.

Lucky are those privileged humans who are endowed with choices in this lifetime. Most of us are not ready to face the consequences of our decisions in day to day life. Every moment and second of our life revolves around taking the correct step for our decisions and lie in the bed that you haveContinue reading “At the edge of two crossroads.”

Discovering the void of the universe and life!

The word “void” sounds like the dead stars mystery of the universe towards the pathway of nothingness. Latest research has even picturized the validation of the real black spots in the universe in our very own galaxy. However, we are only about to discuss on the void of life and not only universe, the fearContinue reading “Discovering the void of the universe and life!”

The truth About Suffering

In Buddhist Preachings, It is said “The root of suffering is attachment “ . In my blog, I will unravel my current obsession with poetry , Buddhism and books that ultimately poised me to think that human life is never free of suffering and in this dire times , the key to uplift the soulContinue reading “The truth About Suffering”

How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?

There have been days for all of us where nothing seemed right and you felt like doing nothing . However, life was too fast to stop for you so you stopped the time! I say it is healthy to stop time sometimes for your mental wellbeing. The purpose of breaks are to re-engineer your thoughtsContinue reading “How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?”