
Life is all about feeling lighter

Life is not meant to be taken seriously, it is always a game of experience and acceptance. Life teaches us to make the right moves at the right time or it just becomes too late in the wrong place and the wrong time. Each one of us needs to move forward no matter what the situation is in our present life experience. Life will not have perfect situations for us as we plan to experience in the future but we should be ready to have the guts to move ahead with the right attitude and response without any stimulating “reaction”. A highly spiritual individual who has conquered the power of “controlling one’s own thoughts” is very sharp as he has conquered the greatness of his character that knows its bounds and can tackle unpleasant situations with ease and not delve into anxiety.

Photo by Daniel Reche on Pexels.com

Bhagavad Gita says ” Don’t get disappointed by the door of opportunity that was closed. If you don’t let go, you will miss the other door that has opened for you.” The main moral of this quote is ” Change is painful but it is the only way to move forward in life.” We must accept the changes in our life like we accept the seasons of the year and we accept everything as if it’s a part of nature and being in the present to enjoy every moment and experience every situation with gratitude and learning intent. If we observe Mother Nature closely, we can find the answers to anything in life. As we see birds migrate during winters to better shores with changing climate, we must envision our life with the changes that every season offers to get to better shores and that is remedial to our well-being and health.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

It is said that everything in life happens for a reason and almost every time we have a choice to experience how we feel about ourselves by having full control over our actions and thoughts. A mind is a wonderful place for heaven and hell rightly said. We can always dive deep into what actually matters at the moment and take the right call.

Photo by Erik Scheel on Pexels.com

At some point in our life, we might feel we do not have the energy to give anymore especially those who are givers by nature. Remember, it is more important to fill your cup of happiness and mindfulness before sharing it with someone else. If your inside is not happy, it is possible that won’t radiate that vibrations outside as well. We should always be grateful for everything we have recieved from the universe everyday. Here comes, the acceptance of the situation as is for reality without any ulterior expectations. You can make yourself and the surroundings happy only when you are as light as a free bird without any bondage mentally. Totally detached. Here in this method, you take your power back to your real element and shine the brightest and strongest.

Lots of Love,



We only get lost in life to be found again

Life is long and sometimes it is only found by losing ourselves. It’s like a refresh button to see things clearer from a broader perspective. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, the Greek emperor wrote, ” The more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have.” I believe we all live in a paradigm mindset of things we can have some control over but the truth is everything is dynamic and nothing is evergreen constant. The part of the human experience is to evolve with time and grow up to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. We all have total power over ourselves to introspect and improve each day, to use our lessons as good teachers to thrive our wisdom and heal our souls.

I love how the Bhagavad Gita is a beautiful powerhouse of all life issues and how to live this life righteously in the most profound manner. The Gita is among all the scriptures I read and has the most predominant expression of the highest version of human life. To all lost souls, it has the unwavering touch of peace and direction maybe.

“In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees.”

― Bhagavad Gita
Photo by Bella White on Pexels.com

Our lives are much like the lost waves of the sea, that seem lost in one moment but they always wander around and come back to their original place where it belong, where it is peace, and where everything falls into place to conjoin with the greater alignment. I feel being lost is a good sign as it gives us space to start fresh and see life from a dimensional perspective, it is like a second chance to detour our journey to a place where the higher meaning lies and precisely even profound living experience. Nature teaches us we just are too helpless to control everything in this universe and it is mostly driven by our chances and choices to make a better decision every second.

Photo by Eva Bronzini on Pexels.com

I believe nobody is the maestro of perfection, we all are somehow imperfectly perfect in our own way at the same time that’s the beauty of embracing differences, we get to learn something totally alien to our constricted world of perception. Being lost teaches us to embrace new ways of living, explore what really aligns with the present moment, and find meaning.

I believe every new path requires us to be lost in the old path and purposeless. It helps us grow and wiser with time. In the phrase of Gita, there is a quote that says, “Meet this transient world with neither grasping nor fear, trust the unfolding of life and you will attain true serenity.” Even in our professions, to grow, we learn to unlearn to learn new things and make space for the necessary to eliminate unnecessary chaos. I was reading about the life of Mahavira, the greatest enlightened sentient being, he realized that life is a process of renunciation of the temporary to attain permanent bliss. That really is the motto of a happy life – simplicity & minimalism. Concluding with this, wrapping up the last blog post of this year with lots of love and best wishes for my readers.

Lots of Love,



Life and Hope…

I have realized that grief rewires our brains. It changes us in a thousand different ways. Sometimes we need this setback in life to push forward our vision beyond our comfort zone. It helps us to find new arenas of hope and comfort that otherwise we would not have known about life! I have also realized that the more we focus on the grief, it expands and the only way to face it wisely is to see it as a passage of time and not a permanent incident.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

In moments of despair and vengeful resentment, we sentient beings often find our creative selves at our peak and this also sparks life-changing decisions that otherwise would have been impossible. I believe that everything in life is a chance for us to grow into better versions of ourselves. I have felt that everything in life happens for a valuable reason which we might unravel in the future and not everything will always make any sense to us as we human beings have a limited perspective on this experience of life. Sometimes past incidents show us patterns of what we are doing wrong and sometimes they give us a road map into our future if we have learnt the lessons properly.

Photo by Irina Anastasiu on Pexels.com

The universe is a mystery and so are its manifestations. We keep imagining the best, and then only we will be receptive towards the best. Sometimes life teaches us how to lose everything in seconds and again start from scratch. It gives us hope and a broader perspective on the realities of life. In the words of Aristotle, “Hope is a waking dream.”

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Life goes on with hope. Hope teaches us to dream bigger and get past our limited vision. It is just that all colors of life should be dealt with a certain equanimity to invoke a sense of purpose to this transient passage of time and space. I have written the most blogs during moments of lows and highs and nothing in between. While balance is needed, every emotion or incident has a purpose and is not a disgrace to this journey of yours. Concluding with a food for thought,

“Life is full of grief, to exactly the degree we allow ourselves to love other people.”

Orson Scott Card, Shadow of the Giant

A year full of surprises and yet more to hope for

Normally, people celebrate New Year’s as a mark of a new beginning but for me exclusively, each birthday becomes my stepping stone to a whole new version of me and I experience life in all its forms and phases. For the past few months, the writer in me was in a slump state of feeling no emotions! Maybe it is a part of my spiritual progression I am assuming but that has made me detached from the worldly loop of ecstasy and made me grow and envision things objectively. In this blog today, I will just recapitulate and reflect on my experience because life itself is the most sacred thing happening right now and yet we take things for granted!

Photo by Nici Gottstein on Pexels.com

The past few months have been transformative. I learned mental and physical transformation comes with its own change-making process. To deal with change, one must have constant faith in the self and the higher power. I learned that discipline in small things matters. It teaches us to build a strong character and set an example for the next generation. I also learned trust is important in all relationships, it is needed to make it stronger each day and grow. I learned that friendships are based on strong foundations of faith and integrity and not on how many times we meet our friends every year. I learned that our parents are our treasure, and we should be by their side whenever they need us without any second priorities, they should be the first priority always. I learned that all every human being need is love and good vibes, and it does not hurt to be kind. Not to mention that ,Kindness can melt iron (no it won’t but I wanted to highlight the power of kindness ). I also learned that sometimes to strike a balance, our ambitions will have to take a backseat to sway the odds and sometimes we just need our own time frame to heal and restore ourselves to come back on the front seat stronger and better. I also learned, last but not least, that with every year, letting go will be prevalent, and moving on will be relevant, so let go of what’s heavy on your heart and embrace the “now”!

Photo by Monica Turlui on Pexels.com

After my pep talk on personal sharing of experiences, I will move on to something more general. In the present world, we think that life should be happening at the fastest speed all at once and that we will get everything at once and this leads to anxiety for very successful people even. So I will just share a handful of tips to tone down your anxiety levels in daily life :

  1. Take time to reflect and focus on your breathwork

I personally use this method whenever I am in high stress at work or studies or any stressful events happening. See nothing can be more important than the fact that you are alive, so breathe in and breathe out for 5 minutes and focus on your soul. Use the affirmation code ” I am grateful for ….” and practice this every morning to bring stability to your life.

2. Stay active – Do any activity you like that involves physical exercises

Nature is our medicine given by the higher power to us. Human beings are not meant to survive in cooped-up spaces. Go for a walk and you will realize the rewiring in your system and that too instantly!

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3. Go for a long drive

See long drives are healthy. At least I find it like therapy! When you have no vacations ahead of you but need a break, just go for a drive and have a refreshing drink. This will definitely make you less anxious and help you live freely.

4. Be Spontaneous with life

I know life is better planned and am the maestro of that department but what I realized is that nothing can be planned totally in advance and destiny speaks in the end for each one of us. We can only control the part that we are meant to control and the rest is on nature. So be spontaneous with life, believe in detours, and revamping of everything whenever you want. Change should be accepted as it is the only constant.

Photo by Kourosh Qaffari on Pexels.com

5. Learn to give!

Lastly, Gratitude wins the game. I think being thankful to everyone and the higher power for everything you have achieved or have now is a game changer. It is an alpha perspective on life and keeps our egos depleted and our compassion levels rooted. Practice giving to those who deserve it, to those who need it, as an act of humility, as an act of spreading love and humanity. It will more or less fix something within you that you never thought needed healing. 🙂

Lots of love,



Vedic Literature on Suffering

In many books I have read, it is during adversity that a human being grows and the challenges are stepping stones to important character formation. On the other hand, dealing with a similar topic, spirituality teaches us that the external world has no control over our inner world, but the point is, is it really applicable to today’s world? Let’s dive in!

“Anyone who is steady in his determination for the advanced stage of spiritual realization and can equally tolerate the onslaughts of distress and happiness is certainly a person eligible for liberation.”

Bhagavat Gita on Realization
Photo by Noelle Otto on Pexels.com

Many a time, a day can be experienced by any of us that have everything wrong in it even if you are a person who wants to see the half bottle full but all you see is a big void and the exquisite desire to solve things then and there! The harsh truth be said, the laws of the universe do not at all work like that. I have realized things take time, people heal over time and space, realizations happen and everything falls into place but it takes time and it is a process, not a project you need to wind up!

The external disturbances teach us about ourselves more than the other person inflicting the same on us or situations. The process needs to be trusted and time needs to be respected. We can always learn to deal better and smarter with each setbacks and make a stronger comeback! In the vedic literature,

“The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to the end of suffering, which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar – this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one’s own mind.”

Bhagavat Gita on Suffering & Happiness
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Human beings are most susceptible to the identification of the self with the material world which is the ego. The ego is a stronger emotion that involves the falsification of one’s true nature based on temporary objects or things or persons or this material world. The ego may bring temporary superiority but in the long run, all real things unfold to humanity on the strong laws of karma and divine realization.

“It is Nature that causes all movement. Deluded by the ego, the fool harbors the perception that says  – I did it.”

Bhagavat Gita on Ego

According to our Veds, not only Ego is deluded but also the impermanence nature of both suffering and happiness is stated. The irony is both the black and white life of humanity are like seasons and almost always pass by . Just like time and space. Nature has its own way of answering the deep questions of humanity but I guess we are not listening just yet. In the words of Gita ,

“The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.”

Bhagavat Gita on Seasons of Human Life
Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

With that, I leave a trail of thoughtfulness for all the hardships must come to an end and they are just lessons to be experienced. The rightfulness of human mind should be firm in faith in one’s own self despite the chaotic external circumstances to seek peace and realization in the long run.

Lots of Love & Compassion,



A journey with health

From childhood, we are taught that our health is wealth. However, while growing up and stepping into different phases of lives in different roles be it as a careless teenager, as a carefree adult , as a busy working professional, as a responsible parent etc. We lose the essence of our cautiousness towards our own mind and body. Read On!

In today’s world, the pharma industry is at its peak because of the diversified ailments in humans and somewhere we are ignorant of our own health despite the 101 warning signs and it will be no exception when one fine day, that ignored last bit of choices will cost more than a medical bill and an insurance!

For me, taking care of our health is like loving our own body & mind and at the same time respecting our lifestyle while we can. I have made shifts bits by bits but still a long road is yet to be surpassed to reach the peak of my health. We are all healing somewhere but the truth is the process is going to be slower if we do not take the staunch initiatives to feel better everyday and every moment both mentally and physically.

The external world will be always having paradigm shifts as governed by the laws of the universe. However, we do have control over our inner universe and our mind to make healthy choices in a lifetime and to mindfully consume not only what we eat but also what we consume through social media, what we read, what we watch all day and what we pay our attention to. In this dynamic world, we should stick to our stability for our inner world.

If you want a good life like a well lived life , the goal should be not only to look good but also to really feel blissful mentally as well. In the words of Gautama Buddha, “Health is the greatest gift, Contentment the greatest wealth and faithfulness, the best relationship”. It is important to believe in the power of positive steps towards hope and time being the best medicine . We need to be graceful with the transformation towards fitness and mindfulness to make it a part of our daily life.


The art of thinking nothing

In the words of Gautama Buddha, “The mind is everything. What you think, you become”. I have been currently reading a lot about channelising thoughts and having some sort of control over our mind. I am mesmerized by the tremendous scope of the human mind and the sad fact that many of us do not use it properly. For real, in today’s world we are overpowered by technology and technology somewhat directs our already overpowered thoughts. Meaning- “We are slaves to our mind!”

The world is not round and so is our life . There are moments of ecstacy , happiness and at the same time despair , helplessness . We are creatures trying hard to fit in and find a belonging in this lifetime but the true game is “people pleasing” is not a long term affair and sooner or later no matter how much we think about our lives, some things will be never changing and to your surprise for the better!

It takes hardwork to sustain friendships and relationships over a long period of time because we are all different souls on a journey with different experiences over lifetimes gathered together. For this lifetime, it is more important to choose happiness everyday , to be yourself everyday and to put your priorities first in life. Sometimes, we have to embark on difficult decisions to rekindle our lost spirits and find who we are but there is a cleansing doctrine that needs to be followed to have a clarity with thoughts and life. I will just enlist the age old techniques that somehow aligns our systems.

#1 . Declutter your surroundings to declutter your thoughts

Whenever we are in an emotional rut, we do not feel like organizing, tidying or as a matter of fact we might even have a dead plant in our garden. My #1 master technique is to take care of your plants, your surroundings, the people around you, in short, the present moment that is totally within your grasp. As soon as you declutter and sanctify your surroundings , your thoughts will follow. This is a magical yet simpler process.

#2. Having a disciplined morning routine to detox

Robin Sharma wrote in his book ” Secret letters ” , that ” You should always visit your temple once a day”. This basically illustrates dual dimensions of spirituality, one should always be engaged in any form of physical and mental wellbeing ritual be it meditation, exercise, running or any other activity in a day. This helps in keeping our wellbeing in check and in dealing better with everyday lives.

#3. Having a pause time

It is very essential especially in our rush lives to take a pause in our mind at intervals in between working , travelling or any activity we are engaged at the moment. The breaks are important for recharging our thinking process and looking at everything from a fresh perspective.

#4. Practicing Patience

With that, I bet that most of the thinkers will find their solace in living in now and find a deeper meaning to their truest existence and purpose of life. Hence, think less to live more!

The root cause of overthinking is “lack of patience” as I have my own share of experience with it. Writers are just thinkers with words afterall. I realized that patience is truest virtue of mankind in a lifetime and time is the best medicine . Hoping for a good ending is a must but living in the present is a necessity for a quality mindful wellbeing. Hence, patience is the key to most of our hurdles. Thinking quality thoughts is the ultimate path to our destination.

Lots of love,



Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..

In the words of Oprah Winfrey , ” I trust that everything happens for a reason , even though , we are not wise enough to see it”. We all somewhere believe in skipping the journey and fast forward to the destination but the truth is every experience in the journey plays a paramount role in the formation of our character and shapes our destiny .

If I perceive from spiritual dimension of this aspect, it is said reasoning everything is not limited to a single lifetime and every action from different lifetimes are consequential of the karmic accounts of our individual experience through soul journeys. Be it a bad or a good event, almost everything happens for a definite reason. If we look back on our life, we will see that many things which seemed unnecessary at the first encounter was actually relevant in the long run and aligning with the version of ourself we are today!

If we want to coexist in the present keeping the amends to the past loopholes of an experience, it is more than essential to live life lightly. Our futures are not predetermined , it is a result of the minor choices put together that we select everyday for ourselves. Our vibrations, circle and daily lifestyle realigns the journey that we navigate to our long term plan.

It is important to have a firm character despite the external turbulences based on solid values which forms the prime foundation for our destiny. Sometimes, there are external pressures to trigger the moments of our life, we do not look forward to confront but it is during these trying times, we redefine the shape of our intellect and the sharpness of our subconscious mind programmed to respond righteously and not react foolishly. Easier said than done, there is always a conflict going on between the head and the heart in human beings during every choices of life. Sometimes, it is important to weigh the two and rely solely on our intuition!

My power packed advice is to be #water. Life is like the tidal waves on the shore, you can either take it lightly or be pulled away with it for nothing at all. Shakespeare wrote an amazing novel “Much Ado about Nothing” that stated clearly that in the end everything falls into place like the reasons does behind every why of your life! The million why’s have really no answer but it is all connected to a higher purpose and it is our job to navigate our life smoothly through all the joys and despairs while being light enough to fly again and brave enough to refresh and reboot your journey imbibing all the tiny lessons and the key takeaways!



“Sometimes life doesn’t make sense. Sometimes there is no good reason for the events that take place. But most times, you’ll realize it will all make sense for a much better reason, if you’re patient enough to wait.”

Brittany Burgunder , Safety in Numbers


How strong is our vision?

It is said that our thoughts plays a crucial role in the quality of our lives. It is much similar to the quality of a sweater is directly dependent on the quality of threads woven to create that one perfect piece.  I took my liberty to research on the aspect of vision and the bandwidth of impact it can generate on our future and each aspect our lives.

As per research on human minds, our minds are miraculously programmed to make believe incidents from individual perspective and world perspective to form strong opinions about everything that is surrounding us. The individual perspective is acquired through personal sets of experiences, childhood memories and it forms a personal view point on the purpose of life . The world perspective is on the community level and the societal viewpoints. The rigidity of our preformed opinions are such that it often disruptive to break the mental barriers and reach the true potential of our minds.  Our thoughts are much like tidal waves of the ocean operated secretly by the gravitational impacts of the subconscious mind . The day our control arrives on the paucity of our subconscious mental powers, we can really connect with the divine grace of our cosmos.

In our professional lives also, before embarking on the project, the vision for the project impact is fixed beforehand to make it a stronger reality. The vision is much like a mantra in the scripture language of the East that drives the advocacy of ethical standards and the desired impact for any new goal of our lives. In the present world, there is upsurging need to supplement our vision in every aspect of lives with intelligence and world view to really understand the cosmos and the lives from a broader perspective righteous to the divine energy thought process.

The extended vision will unlock the ample wisdom of not only experiencing and seeing lives on the surface level but addressing individuals as pure souls in a separate path having their own journeys and stories in this wide cosmos. The bigger truth is just one perspective away to get the ultimate clarity to our individual journeys and making wise decisions in every sphere of our time here. The verbosity of human intelligence is quite limited but the realm of uprooted consciousness is beyond the perspective of far sightedness yet humble truth of existence that can only be experienced and get us connected to the divinity.

Seeing literally with our eyes is a preliminary form of seeing — seeing non-literally includes seeing future ramifications with our intelligence and seeing higher aspects of reality by divine grace.

The Bhagavad Gita , (Verse 18.73)


A lighter version of life

It is the dynamism of time and seasons that every soul realises at some point that life is easier and just more covenient with everything light. By light, I mean it ranges from foods to emotions! I think that our new year’s resolution should not be about only losing weight of our body but also about losing weight of unnecessary thoughts, unhealthy cravings and live a thought disciplined and diet disciplined life.

As we loose the weight of unperturbed thoughts and diverse emotions, we realise the see through simplicity of life the way it is meant to be. Life is best experienced in full lightness with utmost faith towards the bigger purpose beyond the nitty grittiest stuffs of daily life.

It is important for us to declutter our thoughts, words and actions to have meaningful existence . In my opinion, it is not always favorable to have an upbeat attitude every time and sometimes we need time to pause and reflect. Even your cellphone needs to switch off prior to a software update and you, as this rational species surely deserve a “switch off” mode to rejuvenate and reflect to start afresh.

The lighter aspect of life demands your perseverance, full hearted attention and patience to rejoice in the present moment in the righteous form of yourself. Sometimes, we lose stuffs , then we declutter the mess by taking a pause and we find it again. It takes a matter of time and whole lot of meditation to reboot or pause a human being’s mind.

Life always swirls itself in a pattern which can only be seen when experienced lighter and perceived higher. There seems to be a sense to every mess and a perfect order to every heavy heart. Only, we need some pauses and meaningful reflection sessions to see that one important pattern that was there all along right before our eyes all this time to find the true purpose and the real lightness. It will definitely set us free of an invisible bondage and prepare us for a better beginning and greater ideals. Leaving my readers with a quote by my favorite poet of all times on a different lighter note :

” If light is in your heart, you will find your way home”.


The Bridge of Higher Ideals

Many people think success feels like a vertical ladder but I feel it is rather a horizontal bridge between higher perception and lower self esteem. I think that everything is worth manifesting within the survival limits in this dimension where vision rules the world. However, it is not always possible to have a well defined roadmap but a clarity of the path should be present to throw light ultimately on our self awareness and what we seek from this lifetime.

As humans, we feel the tendency to control everything in our lives without having the baton of control on our own selves. Even the toughest meditation is possible only by proper control of our own minds and thoughts. The truth is nothing is worth controlling because it will lead to failure in our external environment. The trick is to have self discipline within our own selves to have real control of everything in our lives as most of our problems exist only in our minds. “Stop making your problems your mind’s humble abode because it should not be stored there”.

In the recent times, a very important aspect of human mind is the excessive comparison of real life and reel life ( the life potrayed in social forums) which is driving an entire population to no brainer logic that both are same. The mind games that we play on ourselves while make-believe our lives with the set standards of social acceptance and defined normalcy are not only surreal stringent but also not even close to a well lived life.

However, the havoc in the ideals of human mind do not define courage, serenity , loyalty , patience and honesty as predefined qualities for living a healthy life but instead we are driven towards falsification, ego, corrupt personalities, dual lives and filtered words to potray our egos to the world through the conduits of social forums and communities. The definition of well lived life is not found in the chaos of social hypocrisy but in the silence and humility of true identity. We all need to channelize our energies at some point to find our true selves in our lifetime and utilize this moment or it will just pass on like the wind.

The moral of my blog today is to enlighten ourselves to higher ideals through gratification of true virtues of mankind often preached by stoics school of thoughts as Modesty, Taming the Tongue,Good Judges of Value,Bravery, Kindness, Courage and Fellowship. It is always possible to see the light if we want to see it from our heart and walk in that direction. Let’s use our energies wisely and spend our times mindfully investing in happiness as multiplied returns!

With lots of compassion and love for my readers,



Why unsolicited advice is not tempting?

Socrates once said – “Knowing yourselves has extraordinary prestige in our culture”.

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

In today’s world, we have a lot of crowded spaces for life-coaches and advisors around us. Even people are ready to pay a hefty fees to a therapist for listening to their rants all day and drawing calm conclusion to rest their chaotic mind. However, it is rather interesting to note that too many of us are good at judging and forming a strong opinion of other’s lives and not learning the truth about themselves. The idea of a perfect life is a myth and the dimension of an advisor in rescue is even a broader delusion. At some low point in the background of everybody’s life, we do need listeners always but advisors ( maybe not that desirable).

Photo by Arvind shakya on Pexels.com

The truth about uniqueness of every individual is well talked about in the eastern mythology as well. In the verse of Bhagavad Gita, seventh chapter , Krishna says to Arjuna , ” The true knowledge of the self is the light of wisdom that dispels the darkness of ignorance and vanishes all doubts. Through devotion and determination, Arjuna, you can gain that knowledge“. We all wear different hats at different points in our life and we can only imagine the vibrations of another soul but not feel it with that intensity unless we are deep-rooted to the knowledge our self-wisdom. Differences and uniqueness exists as we feed into the darkness of judgements and arrogance without any consideration of the others. It is rather easy to judge than to self-reflect, that is why monks often keep 5 minutes of their day towards self-reflection and what activities they did in a particular day to contribute toward their self-awareness.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

We all need self-awareness before going for a random unsolicited advice so that we are not secluded by our judgements while forming an opinion about other people’s way of life and choices. We all are capacitated by the higher energy with universal perception , however , we are often clouded by our own assumptions of right and wrong way of living while giving advice and not listening enough or feeling the vibes in fullest form of consciousness.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Sattvic way of life is so moderating because external reality is a myth and they are equipped with the universal perception and the ability to feel energies undergoing the different phases of existence. Hence, whenever, you find yourself in divulging to form a strong opinion about someone or some place or some incident, take a pause to know yourself this time to form a clean perception devoid of ignorance, darkness of arrogance, too full of yourself. It is high time for both sides to practice mind-fullness and clean thinking to have a clean perception of life in it’s true being. In this way, everyone will be blissful in their unique goals of life and pursue them with fullness devoid any unsolicited and un-tempting advice!

Lots of love ,



Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?

In the era of evolution of humanity and expansion, it is more than necessary to stay rooted every day. Being rooted, keeps the humans more open and instigates awareness about the limitations of mankind. It is more than important to include an inner peace routine in your daily schedule no matter who you are by external identity. Our inner world and subconscious needs our time too.

It is an entire generation moving on impulsive lifestyles and influential character. If all of the humanity transcends into extra consumption of clone ideas of life, then we defy the whole purpose of individuality that creation has accounted for in each one of beings. We all have special qualities and powers that makes us unique creatures. If we stop nurturing the divine force in us, we lose the highest form of living in this planet to the utmost potential.

In Bhagavad Gita, Vishu says “Our life is a reflection of the quality of thoughts in our head”. I think it is more than important to have discipline of thinking. At every point of our life, we delve into moments where feel the pressure to think hayward , but in reality the world does not turn upside down totally if you clasp it with the thread of thought discipline and to totally eliminate negative thoughts from your mind space, it is the effective way .

We all need a divine sense in ourselves to understand the true nature of our place in earth or in universe for that matter. Humans are able to make rational moves in a decorum thats what distinguishes homo sapiens from animals. However, these days the increased consumption of unwanted media, colonial wisdom, mass-deception, time wasting content has lead to no sense in humanity and bring about dependencies on screens of devices as if , humans are debarred from brain of their own to think in an unique sense!

Today , we have given birth to the trend of dopamine shots of gadget addiction, less customary contact with people, less time with nature and mass-opinionated clones having same ideology despite individualism and staunch vigour. I am blessed to be in an era of character solidification in my time about 10 years back without any dependency on any external social validation. It is a much needed standpoint today to bring about transformation in our lifestyle by incorporating meditation as necessary as social life online and spiritual knowledge enhancement as necessary as doctor consultation for our mental space expansion beyond the realms of survival.

It is high time, we talk about virtues again, morality with pleasure and compassion with animals . The millennials are only getting the taste of the internet with unrestricted access to unnecessary information that debarred a filtered lifestyle but it is necessary to teach the next gen the importance of minimalistic, simple and strong character in the longer run in the game of life. According to Marcus Aurelius , the king of Greek philosophy ” The soul becomes dyed with the colors of its own thoughts”. This brings about the best of the thought discipline and minimalistic sense of existence.


Knowing the Right time

All our lives, we are waiting for the right time for everything. Right time to talk, right time to grow up, right time to listen, right time to live, but wait, there is no really not one right time to live at ease, living is always subjective to the present. Between the embodiment of time and space, there is a loop of existential energy , that keeps delaying the happiness of life to be savoured at the so called right time. However, delaying happiness, is like delaying life to happen to us! Or should I say life is happening every second of your time in this humble planet.

In this blog, I will just cover a minute spectrum of this topic combining patience and right time and to understand what these two really means! Beyond the world of chaos and criticism, there is a stopgap road that leads to the solution of all root problems of life. Patience is a “pause” button to refresh our life to get the best version and to experience the life at its true form. In hindu mythology, Krishna says “Patience is among the key virtues of Satvic Gunas to Arjuna”.

There is a right time to everything in this lifetime. Patience is a form of meditation that is not only a necessary trait of strong character but also the only way to achieve what you deserve. Nature has it’s own seasons and every season of life has it’s own taste and learning experience to render to us.

Sometimes, we lose ourselves in moments to compare, criticize and complain instead of analyzing, having compassion and knowing time is the greatest teacher, that we forget that humans are insignificant in front of the plethora of virtues of nature. We are always in a state of self absorption and judgement when we are rushing our life instead of experiencing life in all its forms and mechanisms!

Hence, better than never , it is better to realize that though mankind was rational enough to build a timeline or a calendar or a watch for their existence, life is exactly not so much of a race. It is neither a static, nor a dynamic, life is what happens between the crevices of wind, folds of sands and imageries of shadows that says to us every moment, everything is exactly timed by the creation with the conjoined efforts of your dreams and without any rush mostly. This too shall pass!

Lots of love,



At the edge of two crossroads.

Lucky are those privileged humans who are endowed with choices in this lifetime. Most of us are not ready to face the consequences of our decisions in day to day life. Every moment and second of our life revolves around taking the correct step for our decisions and lie in the bed that you have made as the old saying goes! It is very crucial for us to meditate, observe silence and have faith in our inner conscience to think constructively in decision making process.

Being a management student, we are taught in universities to use various tools to judge our decisions and it almost works out 90% of time in businesses because it is a foreplay of mind more than heart. However, there is always a war between our heart and mind whenever we are embarking on the edge of the two roads diverged in yellow woods(Ruskin Bond) and I always took the road less travelled! From taking the most uncommon subject in ninth to taking the most versatile career, I always loved adventure to experience the thrill of life.

I must say I am a risk-taker! I can jump into a well after doing so much for a long time for one thing if it does not align with my conscience anymore and I must say, my heart won everytime! Remember always, heart is never wrong if followed with a humble mind. I believe that every decision leaves behind some unsaid and semi-finished tasks but let’s move ahead always towards our ultimate purpose of existing in this universe for the universe. Everyday we have the choice to be content and faithful to our choices of life and realise our true potential at the present or to ponder upon the past and delve into the unfinished business with places, people, things, incidents and memories.

Decisions are evaluated often on the basis of present moment and not on the basis of wider perception (the bigger picture). The most astounding business leaders of this world , Warren Buffet said ” You only have to do very few things right in your life, so long as you do not do too many things wrong”.

Some instances of our life propels us to take the decision that changes everything, so we always gets flustered into the cobwebs of external influences and past experiences to finally reach a conclusion. However, the point that most are missing is doing what you “love” is the only key to have a good and healthy life and not any other factor. If we do the right things at the right time and follow our strong inner calling, we will definitely enrich ourselves and those lives around us and impacted by us. Being well off and having a well being are ultimate opposites of the same coin and life is to be lived devoid of regrets, boundless possibility and rooted choices to have a simple way of living. So let’s dive in to make that important decision fearlessly to take a step today towards the right path!

Love ,



Discovering the void of the universe and life!

The word “void” sounds like the dead stars mystery of the universe towards the pathway of nothingness. Latest research has even picturized the validation of the real black spots in the universe in our very own galaxy. However, we are only about to discuss on the void of life and not only universe, the fear of nothingness.

I have realised that we all reach the zero point of our life where we feel nothing, we want nothing and we feel lighter at that moment itself. Somewhere , or other we are all scared of voids and mysterious vacuums. No wonder , that so many of us has resorted to external suits of material world in the hope of finding that lost feeling or to just bridge the gap. But it is a failed attempt just like our economy’s attempt to bridge the gap between rich and poor . After researching through religious and spiritual spectrums so far to see this void world in a less void perspective, I have found a conclusion to the ultimate quest that humanity seeks. It seeks ‘validation for completeness as per the doctrines of society’.

The core wise men who ever lived in this planet from Darwin to Socrates has suggested that external pursuits are short lived memento for your high quality ambitions constricted within the boundaries of survival and five senses. The true relic will be to look within and to find innermost validation for completeness , that will be the answer to half of your problems and challenges in life. Our subconscious is the most powerful asset of human existence and the problem is that not enough people are taking the stance to nurture their spiritual existence and to fill the ‘real void’.

If you are someone who feels void very often despite having all the external physical pursuits that life has to offer, it is time for you to seek the path of universe and creation. It is the only way to subside the chaos of seeking void and come to a settlement with your subconsciousness and looking beyond the realms of survival. We all are gifted with the capacity to meditate, have a healthy lifestyle, to be kind and to be forgiving. However, the feeling of nothingness is both a stigma and a boundary to something new, every dead star becomes a void in the universe (into the path of non existence), however every living star gives light to unsurmountable planets and sustains life as well with its grace and presence. Therefore, it is time to shine from your innermost self beyond the vices of the physical existence and to seek the void with connection to the creation and respect for the existence every day. Hence, live like a graceful monk like a lively star before giving yourself to the void.

Thanks with lots of love,



Mission to enjoy the journey

Our unique lives have unique goals to live this lifetime. However, 90% of us only spent half of our lives in contemplation of the future as if our lives are the sample data of budget forecasting and we are all on a tight budget to smile every second so as to enjoy every moment of present.

I was having one of those silent saturdays where I binge watched three movies and absolutely did nothing except eating and sleeping as my week comprised of brainstorming and burnout at work. However, this simple silence was so peaceful – no texts , no calls except from delivery guys..and absolutely no chaos. I think that’s what we need sometimes after too much noise, our own illusionary silent space to repair and restart another week .Now coming to the journey, I have always enjoyed long drives more than the destination itself. The secret to maintaining the same level of curiosity through the journey is to let go of the control button of your engine and enjoy the life as it comes. That’s how you figure out your personal journey .

Life can be enjoyed by simple things because we are rooted with nature. If you have a dream, you will have to learn or I would say practice patience. Now, while you are being patient , you can do millions of things to make the life around you better, you can be more kind, your words can bring joy, your small actions can change someone’s life, your simple advise can help someone. It is easy to be wise, it is a matter of time and perspective that life unravels its true wisdom in our story and we achieve what we deserve and what we worked for.

I have been in a buzzing state of mess for quite few months on the personal level , it is during this time , I got the zest to discover the book by Ryan Holiday and Robin Sharma. I realised that happiness is within and chaos is also within . The root of all our miseries relies in the roots of our being. In life, we have full control over ourselves and self-control is the biggest relic that you need to conquer in your quest of life.

In todays world, very few people have the attention span to listen, read, see, stare or even experience fully. Everyone are half-hearted stakeholders mostly unless they turn down their several distractions. Humans lost when lost the essence of devotion in what they do. If you visit a temple, you will realise that every devotee is fully focussed and fully absorbed in the present moment that they share with their higher power. The journey of our life needs to be experienced fully and that is possible only by devotion alone devoid of survival. Only the devotion and love can bring about enjoyment in the journey as you seek nothing but yourself and the source of your creation alone . In this state, humans are selfless and pure, that’s what I call mission accomplished my friend. Quoting from Ramayan , Ram said while releasing his arrow towards Vasistha “Duty.Honour.Honesty”. It is at this moment, he is selfless and dutiful while embodying his honour birth (existence) and honesty (Truth).

Yours Lovingly!



Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!

In our life, we are passengers in the trip of life. We encounter various stations and it is important to get off in the right station at the right time when the signal is right! Our whole living experience should be seen as a story, and best part is you are the narrator to this story.

Moving ahead in life is very crucial in order to experience this small life at its best. We spent our days contemplating the ‘what-ifs’ and the ‘what-was’ but we forget the fact that our present moment is slipping away and every setback is a blessing in its disguise. It is time for us to free ourselves from the shackles of past and chains of self pity. We are all meant to evolve for more powerful version of our being with one more challenge in our destination. The purpose of this life is to realize the ultimate truth of our being , which is impossible to achieve of our own feet is rooted at its journey spots. Each stoppage is a lesson spot and each passenger we encounter is a messenger to our great purpose.

Coming back to the days, when we never had social media exposure or access to stalking mechanisms, we were lucky to have that filter in our life keeping away unnecessary information. It is high time, we move on to the next level of our life without hovering over the remnants of past too long! Trust me, nothing will change there but to defy time and space, we always choose in life , in every sphere of our lives, we keep doing that. However, these days , stalking is entertainment to be toxic and be strictly avoided. As per the Gita, our minds function on the basis of the influences we are allowing into the system and so does our lives. It seems humans are not only consuming micro-plastics but also pointless information being fed into their system to tempt them to think in a certain manner and influence their thought process a whole and it is just the beginning of leading a dissatisfied life with a feeling of being stuck in the past.

In our work life, the HR often uses the word full and final settlement. We always do that to our past, we ensure to have that settlement so as to forgive with empathy and forget with purpose. The strength of our memory takes us to places as we feed the subconscious with surreal what ifs and ponder upon the fictional sand castles that will be bubble forever. However, the present is a gift to our life and the tomorrow is ours to build, we have to learn to never look back and even if we do, to only forgive and accept the lesson behind that important path that leads to our ultimate destiny and purpose. Hope this helps those who needs it!

Lots of Love,

Every time we linger in the past, we lose another second of the present that wont be returned to us , so move ahead to fully love this life of yours



Why it is essential to love what you do?

From the beginning of time, humans have manouevered to seek the meaning of this life in universe. Many have acclaimed survival modifications to seek meaning and others have sought after the broader truth of existence. However, the deeper truth is happiness lies in compassion. That is true meaning to our lives , from what I read and experienced.

I read a lot and my last novel was ” Dune Road” by Jane Green, one of the beloved writers of my choice, I discovered an inner meaning to our lives and that is , it does not really matter if you are over-ambitious or not ambitious at all. In an era of corporate hot-shots and over-achievers, or so flaunted by social media intoxication, human beings are delving into a state of insecurity madness. Be it your first job or your first degree or another sphere of your life, why everything is susceptible to comparison?

The transition of a human being from the inception towards the varied phases of life can be both gruelling like a treasury hunt or the ultimate answer to the existence euphoria. Like, I found my ikigai in writing and expressions of pure nature, I am sure that each one of us loves doing something that does not have to be artistic or grand, rather I suggest that you can do a small pity thing with great perfection ( Like Making Candles!) , only thing matters is that you enjoy it to the fullest . The only thing that makes you be at peace and loving your life. As a matter of fact, we all can be a part of cogenial ecosystem everywhere, if you just mentally stop comparing, as you are comparing apples with oranges ( Being a privileged part of family of siblings of three, I can say , that it is a futile parameter to even compare your own children to psychologically program them to always compare to drive a competitive spirit.

Role Models and Admiration is healthy and larger than life that gives impetus to our growth and higher spirits of achievement in our individual spheres of passion, however competency spirit development by comparison of apples and oranges is just another toxic Instagra culture ! If you are always comparing , you will miss out the life – ” your life” to obsess with someone else’s footsteps or purpose. You will not love your job or your life for that matter as you are comparing yourself to the wrong things! The wrong things in the sense that it is not a parameter to even judge, however, the right track of thinking could be inspiration and admiration to do better in your own niche and be happy because you did your ultimate best.

It may sound foolish, but you are a minuscle part of the huge universe, and your purpose here is to evolve to highest version of yourself and experience life to the ultimate following your heart. Coming back to Dune Road – the main character of the novel ( Protagonist) seeks separation from her partner and it is a whole new version of herself that she discovers after creeping out of the shell of material lifestyle. I really find it strange how people are comfortable with living the life they are feeling out of place at or doing something they do not really like everyday for the rest of the lifetime to fit the so-called conventions of righteous way of living life.

In reality of the 21st century, the Gen Z are freedom seeking enthusiasts who are inclined to breaing rules and fighting the stereotypes of daily life. I say, revolt is necessary but peace is essential, if we are on a march to discard the wisdom of the entire generation, we might be missing out on learning the important lessons of our ancestors. The only thing that topples their life and ours are not only the professional achievements and freedom of thought but I feel a healthy generation devoid of extra consumption of pre-conceived careers and true voices to speak for your contribution to the community as a whole is the only conduit of happiness and our work is to fulfill our karma by helping this world with the best we can, with the best resources we have and not to seek personal grandeur that will only lead to emptiness just like the novel – Dune road!


Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?

This article felt too personal to share and that’s why it is a writer’s responsibility to share every bad chapters of life in great detail , because to a writer, every thing that happens in life is a story , every chapter is necessary and every character is a contribution to your iconic story that we call our life . Let’s dive.

Photo by Charlotte May on Pexels.com

It happened with me when I left my first job, It happened when I fell in love but did not worked out the way I wanted years back , trust me there was not much difference between both the feelings I experienced, except a thin line of professional touch to my work and a formal procedure. The feelings of past will always be a stone that can be unturned , only if our minds know how to deal with it. Our life events are not a bad chapter of an e-book that can be just deleted by pressing a button on your keyboard. We are the creator of our stories, we experience our stories like real-time, and to my acknowledgment till date, every bad phase did came to an end. I woke up the next day which was not easy at all, I cleared the clutter. And that’s my catch phrase solution to everyone suffering from guilt trips and ” what-ifs”.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

Trust me, when you took that decision, you are clarity yourself in that particular moment of your life and it is just a waste of time and thoughts to go into that merry-go-round loop in a desperate attempt to delete that moment from your life! I always found solace in clearing the clutter ( both in my head and in my room). The key to avoiding guilt-trips is to stop over-emphasizing the positive things , the reason for being your neutral mind-space and to think logically. The most important part of avoiding any bad chapters is to cease to classify them as “bad”. All phases are quintessential for our character formation and strengthens our perceptions and wisdom as the lessons are an unique experience we go through. Whenever there is a change in the natural course of our life, our mind gets buzzed with millions of thoughts and unnecessary guilt-trips of the past, only to reconcile that the present version is an all-together different person .

Photo by Eugene Golovesov on Pexels.com

It is essential that we learn, we change every second along-with the course of our life, with every event, every journey and every relationship. We learn more , accept more and resent a little less each day. The theory of life is to forgive the unforgettable , then you need not worry about forgetting . As they say, time is the best teacher and holding past as a benchmark only to judge your footsteps ahead in your life is the right thing to do!

Signing off,

Lots of Care and Love,



Hope and Life

In the warm words of Dalai Lama ” I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the Universe.” This life revolves around the best days and the worst days but we human beings are on a constant loop to appreciate the good times and not the valuable lessons and signs that we engrave from the testing times.

It is the testing times that transforms us , it is the hardships that breaks us, it is the atrocities that teaches us the true meaning of living beyond the existence. As a writer, I am always bonded with creativity and emotions . Even a small transition in the general course of life makes me question the pattern of the universe, the signs of the true enlightenment and the gateway of hope. Human beings undermine the strength of ” hope” while chasing constant happiness . Happiness is a state of euphoria that is not supposed to be at all times to make space for other emotions, other dimensions and a broader perception.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Pexels.com

Life goes on the unravelling spur of hope and reality. I have been reading a grappling novel on Indra Nooyi’s life and found that many phases of life has to be balanced, many moments has to be experienced with placidity and many instances has to be forgotten as nothing is important than the greater signs of the universe that ultimately fits us in a shoe that is ours! At least people who follow their own intuition knows where they belong despite the adversity, the setbacks , the pain and the challenges.

Photo by Belle Co on Pexels.com

If we really want to enjoy life sip by sip, without understanding the bitter and sweet counterparts, we will miss the adventurous story, the real taste of existence and the profound meaning of being living in the present. Those who live in the past will always be stuck with lots of baggage and weights. Those who are too futuristic will always live somewhere else mentally without feeling the ecstasy of the present moment. The key to happiness is to be lighter in life like water , like trees, like nature itself.

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Water as an element of nature always stays calm despite the baggage of the world. The trees stay healthier by withering the dry twigs and the dried leaves during autumn. The air becomes lighter when we invoke less artificial pollution in it. Human beings are like nature itself. Life is a process of withering away the heavier, the artificial and the baggage!

Photo by Liam Ortiz on Pexels.com

Hence, life should be a platter to experience not to carry . Life goes on hope and hope substantially is the result of a powerful wisdom and a relentless mindfulness of the broader aspects of the universe. Let us pledge to live in now, lighter, and more brighter each day . Here is hoping and praying and believing that there is something special for everyone.


Pause and Re-Start

Remember that time when your TV/Desktop stops working and you usually blatantly pause and re-start it after sometime and it works just fine! Today, I will talk about the way of life to send us internalized messages about when to pause and when to restart! After-all, any worthwhile journey cannot be in loop forever, If it is in loop, maybe it is a circle….

Restarting……..in 3…..2…….1

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

So, I recall this quote – ” Turn Your Wound Into Wisdom” – Oprah Winfrey. In the past few years , life have been transforming for every person , however to generalize the certain milestones of life, I think restarting is detoxifying to our soul. Be it the hectic work life balance, relationships, family issues or anything, we need break and also brakes ( pause from life) for proper functioning of everything.

The state of nothingness ( zero) is very powerful in this universe. This state helps us to seek our real purpose of existence in this lifetime. From childhood, we all are programmed to think in a certain manner but most of the things that we believe are imposed upon us by parents, schools, religion, culture, ethnicity but has very little connection to do with our real-self. Sometimes, we feel lost in life. That’s what I was feeling two years back. It was the last day of college farewell, and as far as I remember I was a super-alpha female with no goals but all I knew was I have to do my thing someday. It is normal for many students to figure out what they want to become in life as early as high school. But in my case, I had no clue . I was standing in a long queue for the high school stream selection form when I choose finance as my subject because of my love for economics, only to figure out later that duo was different!

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Many times in life, we choose the wrong drink in a club or the wrong friend in the college only assuming that it will turn up the way we want some day. The truth is – creme bruele can never be jell-o ( Ref: My Best Friend’s Wedding). It means that only we can make the things that we imagine happen, nobody else can make it happen for us. The Great Pause is equally crucial in life as much as the Great Recession in Economics!

The key to realizing your truest vision of your way of life is the silence or the pause button. Pause does not define by overthinking or procastination. Pause is doing something you love and then figuring out answers that lie deep within you. It is as simple as engrossing for a walk, a gentle reading session, a social club activity or any other hobby you have. This set of pause-detox activities will render a direction to your personal goals and perceiving life from a narrator’s perspective and not as the primary subject.

Photo by Leohoho on Pexels.com

The Restarting mindset can start anytime in your life. It will get you out of your programmed track and get you to where you belong. The job that does not fit, the partner that does not respond or the friend that does not understand your lifestyle, It can be any issue at any point of time that instigates to kick start again from the scratch. It is important to have faith in your inner intuitions and belief the power of this universe to guide your soul. Concluding, when you get that opportunity or that push after restarting, it is high time for you to unleash yourself and soar high like an eagle!


Yoga and Meditation- Strike the Balance

Photo by Felipe Borges on Pexels.com

In life , there are aspects beyond our control in the external environment and most people make the wrong choices in a chaotic state of mind. If there are external disturbances , you cannot be at peace internally as well. Your mind should be like still water of a lake. But how can you do that ? How can you strike the balance between the external life and internal peace ? Let’s delve !

Yoga conjoins every part of our being and it helps to see things very clearly. We should never forget that human beings no matter how rational has transcended from the monkey brains having millions of impulsive and chaotic decisions. Yoga teaches us to be in clarity, I am not telling we have to be calm and collected at all times, but yoga will be helpful to you in your journey to function in absolute consciousness and in the right direction. To understand balance , we need to understand a bit about manifestation and the essence of the present moment.

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The effervescence smell of the flowers, the green meadows, the white snow filled mountains, the natural green valleys and the tranquil lake – Are you imagining all this as you read through it ? That’s the power of manifestation – ” Whatever you think in life, you become that”. Manifestation is really powerful energy , it can transform the quality of life from all dimensions. You can cleanse your millions of useless thoughts , to see a planned direction since our mind functions like an organized excel sheet road map. If you open more than 10 tabs in your computer , even a machine cannot handle such unfocussed direction, how can your mind can?

Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

Let yoga heal your being, cleanse your thoughts and give you sheer clarity in life. In my personal context, I have been practicing Yoga and Meditation for a year now and have experienced a magical difference in my hovering thoughts and toxicity balance of the mind. The mind is a player , do not let it master you. If you can control your mental energy in the right direction and discard all the negativity, the universe will walk with you. The unaware individuals who never realize the toxic thoughts of their mental space are trapped in a continuous loop and the only way to escape is the Pran- Life and Yama- Control Life force i.e. ( Pranayama). If you are powerful mentally, you can develop many innate skills like right decisions , less chaos , seeing patterns and even contemplating future events. I am not saying you will become Godly, but all I am saying is you will be one with your true self ( just the higher version ) which is presently barricaded by temporary thoughts , chaotic mindsets, Wrong contemplation and wrong decisions which you may repent in your present lifetime.

Ending with the words of the Mystic – Sadhguru “ Only when you do not know yourself, the opinion of other become important.”

Looking at the Bright Side!

This is a special blog. I have always been super positive about my life through thick and thin, only to realize that every emotion is equally important and should be felt, maybe not intensively but at equivocal limits. Lately, I have been obsessed with spiritual and self-help books to discover really great writers and spiritual coaches all over the globe. These books are all about a minimalist simple lifestyle ( easier said than done!) and how all the little things keep us rooted and in our senses at every phase of life.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

The meaning of the crisis in the past era and in today’s world is black & white different! I think we fetter too much over things that will never happen and we think too much about people that won’t matter. These two are the prime problems for today’s generation. My simple takeaway from these self- help books and life coaches was a mind-boggling one, they gave high importance to a simple yet tricky thing “Prioritize”. We should all give importance to the thoughts we have over the day but not every thought in our mind deserves energy and attention. We should have a priority thinking list prior to having a functional life!

In the next sections, I will share tidbits of what I learned in summary form and how to apply these techniques to look at the bright side of our lives. In the words of Swami Vivekananda, “We claim that concentrating the powers of the mind is the only way to knowledge. In external science, the concentration of mind is—putting it on something external; and in internal science, it is—drawing towards one’s Self. We call this concentration of mind Yoga”

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Research says that an average human mind has around 10,000 thoughts in a single day . No wonder our attention span is less than goldfish! Most of our subconscious mind follows a thinking pattern influenced by repetitions and practice. Hence, yes affirmations work. If every morning , we recite mantras , it is indeed cleansing our subconscious trail by bending the mind in the right direction under our ambit of control.

Secondly, as soon as we have a grasp over subconscious mind , we need to take a look at our conscious mind as well. The conscious mind is an accumulation of everything we consume all day be it pointless scrolling screen time or the people we interact with on daily basis. Our lifestyle matters and have a direct correlation on our health. We can always choose the thoughts and the vibration to be entered in the system to make us spiritually stronger in the long run.

Thirdly and most important, Priority lists are very important. Our time is precious and if we really want to look at the bright side, we need to stop looking at the trivial temporary or past events that are there as circumstantial lessons to help us grow, to be who we are today. It is way health to set priorities higher and decide to live more in our own terms , afterall it will be worthwhile!

Lots of love,


Mantra for protecting your aura

In today’s world, the advent of external vibrations can sometimes affect you internally also but is very important to ensure that it is a short period of time. Our souls should behave like water , unaffected by stones, mountains and whatever force may come, the stream should keep flowing. It might freeze or dry up in specific seasons, but it should make it appear everytime after every setback.

Not everything in life is predetermined or permanent, people act through your acquired karmas and sanskars (spiritually speaking) , it is important for us to act through our karmas which should hold the highest ideals and leads us to our vision of bigger picture beyond the temporary situations. All our decisions in life should be an effort to mould us into creating better decision makers and leaders of the future.

The most important quality of a compassionate leader is to show the path by being an example himself. As per teachings of the puranas and the vedas, not everything is black and white in this world , just there are segmentations of different perceptions of experiencing this universe. Human body is essentially 70% water and our innate nature is just like water – where we are “poised and perfectly happy” , calm & serene. Being objective is a n essential ethos of a quality life experience in cosmos. Looking beyond and seeing the bigger picture are the second and third steps that have always guided my soul to where it belongs for real.

Life is unpredictable when it comes to situations . At one moment , we can be on cloud nine and at the next moment, you can feel at your lowest. However, bouncing back stronger & faster is an art we all need to master. The one thing I learnt from self help books that I have read is our control over our thoughts. The prime purpose of this life is to sail through our life through every situation with a certain contemplation of content & noble intentions to have the ultimate fruits of our karmic actions with less frictions. Water should be a part of our nature to dive through emotions smoothly and we should be an excellent surfer of our thoughts to have control over our thoughts. Leaving my readers with one of my favourite quotes ,

One way to win your battles is to actually let go some of them, by losing we gain much more than we think

Dr. Lucas D. Shallua