Why Seeking Inner Peace and Compassion Is The Purpose Of Life?

According to the 14th Dalai LLama, Buddhism preaches ” Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek”. This quote by the 14th Dalai Llama touched my heart immensely as I explored the scenic beauty of Sikkim. Today in my blog, I will share insightsContinue reading “Why Seeking Inner Peace and Compassion Is The Purpose Of Life?”

How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?

There have been days for all of us where nothing seemed right and you felt like doing nothing . However, life was too fast to stop for you so you stopped the time! I say it is healthy to stop time sometimes for your mental wellbeing. The purpose of breaks are to re-engineer your thoughtsContinue reading “How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?”

Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?

The problems with this GenY ( Managerial Jargon) explains it quite well is mixing of realism with the virtual world. Yes, We are depreciating th valuation of the word “Love” in so many ways , in so many adjectives , in so many emotions that we do not value it anymore. It is a hugeContinue reading “Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?”

This too shall pass! Just Like Life Itself!

Hey Readers, we are losing it somewhere ? Ain’t we ? feelings aside , the pandemic has left us all in a state of stagnant as I call it . The best way to deal with your mental health right now is not by writing a novel or by discovering the science theories but toContinue reading “This too shall pass! Just Like Life Itself!”

Glimmering light of hope

Some days are just hard to go by , Here you are listening to that old music staring at the wet car windows , here you are playing the favorite tune in your piano and you just wonder why life turned upside down when everything seemed perfect ! We all have issues with our parentsContinue reading “Glimmering light of hope”

Are Dogs Really Man’s Bestie?

Are dogs really man’s bestie?

Can you be honest when you look back ?

We all know how good storytellers we all are and when it comes to narrate your life, boom! here it goes…I was a decent individual and I was doomed ..Well the truth is , Nobody wants to hear the polished version. They already know the polished version but people want real failures , real struggle,Continue reading “Can you be honest when you look back ?”

Dreams and much more..

Mid-twenties ain’t about your high definition pictures in your overrated Instagram blogs, It is rather about trusting the instinct of realistic dreams and hassle for if every second to take the baggage off for your actions. It ain’t about showing off, it is about working towards something you will look forward to.