Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!

In our life, we are passengers in the trip of life. We encounter various stations and it is important to get off in the right station at the right time when the signal is right! Our whole living experience should be seen as a story, and best part is you are the narrator to thisContinue reading “Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!”

Do you know what you deserve?

Most of us , actually all of us , spend their lives amidst the half -hearted wishes , relationships , lifestyles and call it “compromise” or they use words like “patience”. However , I feel every action has an equal and very opposite reaction. If you do not like something , why compromise ? !Continue reading “Do you know what you deserve?”

Why love will help you survive almost everything ?

To all the miseries of the world , from the pandemic to the natural catastrophes , to an eventful year ( I repeat not an unfortunate life , just an unfortunate year) . Life is always worth living because we got only one of it . It is said in the spiritual realm of theContinue reading “Why love will help you survive almost everything ?”