Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!

In our life, we are passengers in the trip of life. We encounter various stations and it is important to get off in the right station at the right time when the signal is right! Our whole living experience should be seen as a story, and best part is you are the narrator to thisContinue reading “Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!”

The truth About Suffering

In Buddhist Preachings, It is said “The root of suffering is attachment “ . In my blog, I will unravel my current obsession with poetry , Buddhism and books that ultimately poised me to think that human life is never free of suffering and in this dire times , the key to uplift the soulContinue reading “The truth About Suffering”

Do you know what you deserve?

Most of us , actually all of us , spend their lives amidst the half -hearted wishes , relationships , lifestyles and call it “compromise” or they use words like “patience”. However , I feel every action has an equal and very opposite reaction. If you do not like something , why compromise ? !Continue reading “Do you know what you deserve?”

How to get away with the past and rediscover the new ?

We all are all set to get the taste of the upcoming new year . The question is how many of us can really delve into the idea of the “new”. The new means many things to many people. We are never ready for the transition unless it happens and it is always “ aContinue reading “How to get away with the past and rediscover the new ?”

Glimmering light of hope

Some days are just hard to go by , Here you are listening to that old music staring at the wet car windows , here you are playing the favorite tune in your piano and you just wonder why life turned upside down when everything seemed perfect ! We all have issues with our parentsContinue reading “Glimmering light of hope”

Whats with the looks?

The look of a preety face may lighten up your day but I had a stomach cringing feeling to lash out my emotion full on when a guy calls me less preety or compares me with some other girl. Maybe, thats who I am and I can’t help it. I believe in the beauty ofContinue reading “Whats with the looks?”

Can you be honest when you look back ?

We all know how good storytellers we all are and when it comes to narrate your life, boom! here it goes…I was a decent individual and I was doomed ..Well the truth is , Nobody wants to hear the polished version. They already know the polished version but people want real failures , real struggle,Continue reading “Can you be honest when you look back ?”

Dreams and much more..

Mid-twenties ain’t about your high definition pictures in your overrated Instagram blogs, It is rather about trusting the instinct of realistic dreams and hassle for if every second to take the baggage off for your actions. It ain’t about showing off, it is about working towards something you will look forward to.