A lighter version of life

It is the dynamism of time and seasons that every soul realises at some point that life is easier and just more covenient with everything light. By light, I mean it ranges from foods to emotions! I think that our new year’s resolution should not be about only losing weight of our body but alsoContinue reading “A lighter version of life”

Scriptures and Beyond

Around millions of years back, while the evolution of scriptures took place, the underlying motto of the literature was to deduce the meaning of universe as a whole from the Godly perspective . The criterion to understand this world better and to live the way the creation urns us to be , it is aContinue reading “Scriptures and Beyond”

Revenge or Forgiveness?

Back in the days, when Africans were oppressed through the 1990’s for racial disparity, there was no way to retaliate untill they ofcourse decided to take matters in their own hands. Today, we have been successful in fighting all the biases to the extent of having them under the same forum everywhere as a markContinue reading “Revenge or Forgiveness?”

Space and Life

In the words of Gautama Buddha – “Silence is an empty space and Space is the solace for the Awakened mind”. As a writer, I am always in queue for interesting reflection and in my quest for playing with words , I have taken space as my prime muse today. Majorly, because my space keyContinue reading “Space and Life”

Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!

In our life, we are passengers in the trip of life. We encounter various stations and it is important to get off in the right station at the right time when the signal is right! Our whole living experience should be seen as a story, and best part is you are the narrator to thisContinue reading “Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!”

Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?

This article felt too personal to share and that’s why it is a writer’s responsibility to share every bad chapters of life in great detail , because to a writer, every thing that happens in life is a story , every chapter is necessary and every character is a contribution to your iconic story thatContinue reading “Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?”

Pause and Re-Start

Remember that time when your TV/Desktop stops working and you usually blatantly pause and re-start it after sometime and it works just fine! Today, I will talk about the way of life to send us internalized messages about when to pause and when to restart! After-all, any worthwhile journey cannot be in loop forever, IfContinue reading “Pause and Re-Start”

The truth About Suffering

In Buddhist Preachings, It is said “The root of suffering is attachment “ . In my blog, I will unravel my current obsession with poetry , Buddhism and books that ultimately poised me to think that human life is never free of suffering and in this dire times , the key to uplift the soulContinue reading “The truth About Suffering”

How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?

There have been days for all of us where nothing seemed right and you felt like doing nothing . However, life was too fast to stop for you so you stopped the time! I say it is healthy to stop time sometimes for your mental wellbeing. The purpose of breaks are to re-engineer your thoughtsContinue reading “How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?”

Can we all rescue ourselves ?

During the trying times , we all need that someone who can give us a little light of hope and positivity that helps us to take ourselves from the dark tunnel. Maybe all we need is just a caring text , a call or just a pat on the shoulder that it will be okayContinue reading “Can we all rescue ourselves ?”