Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?

This article felt too personal to share and that’s why it is a writer’s responsibility to share every bad chapters of life in great detail , because to a writer, every thing that happens in life is a story , every chapter is necessary and every character is a contribution to your iconic story thatContinue reading “Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?”

Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?

The problems with this GenY ( Managerial Jargon) explains it quite well is mixing of realism with the virtual world. Yes, We are depreciating th valuation of the word “Love” in so many ways , in so many adjectives , in so many emotions that we do not value it anymore. It is a hugeContinue reading “Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?”

Quarantine days of liberty and thoughts..

(Opinions stated in the article are highly personal and no intention to offend any stigma of society or religious views) Call it destiny but humanity needed a jolt to realize the massacre they have done to build the materialistic empire of greed and dreams. The best cure to any disease is mostly mental strength moreContinue reading “Quarantine days of liberty and thoughts..”

Where do you get your light from ?

There is always that point in life when we believe that there is a certain enlightenment of trust and confidence in intuition and light . Where do you get your light from ? It is just a simple question but a thousand bucks worth indeed! A sunflower is always inclined towards the sun no matterContinue reading “Where do you get your light from ?”

Glimmering light of hope

Some days are just hard to go by , Here you are listening to that old music staring at the wet car windows , here you are playing the favorite tune in your piano and you just wonder why life turned upside down when everything seemed perfect ! We all have issues with our parentsContinue reading “Glimmering light of hope”

Are Dogs Really Man’s Bestie?

Are dogs really man’s bestie?

Can You Accept The Change?

Accept the change that life offers and much more

Whats with the looks?

The look of a preety face may lighten up your day but I had a stomach cringing feeling to lash out my emotion full on when a guy calls me less preety or compares me with some other girl. Maybe, thats who I am and I can’t help it. I believe in the beauty ofContinue reading “Whats with the looks?”