Can we all rescue ourselves ?

During the trying times , we all need that someone who can give us a little light of hope and positivity that helps us to take ourselves from the dark tunnel. Maybe all we need is just a caring text , a call or just a pat on the shoulder that it will be okayContinue reading “Can we all rescue ourselves ?”

Do you know what you deserve?

Most of us , actually all of us , spend their lives amidst the half -hearted wishes , relationships , lifestyles and call it “compromise” or they use words like “patience”. However , I feel every action has an equal and very opposite reaction. If you do not like something , why compromise ? !Continue reading “Do you know what you deserve?”

Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?

The problems with this GenY ( Managerial Jargon) explains it quite well is mixing of realism with the virtual world. Yes, We are depreciating th valuation of the word “Love” in so many ways , in so many adjectives , in so many emotions that we do not value it anymore. It is a hugeContinue reading “Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?”

Why love will help you survive almost everything ?

To all the miseries of the world , from the pandemic to the natural catastrophes , to an eventful year ( I repeat not an unfortunate life , just an unfortunate year) . Life is always worth living because we got only one of it . It is said in the spiritual realm of theContinue reading “Why love will help you survive almost everything ?”