Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..

In the words of Oprah Winfrey , ” I trust that everything happens for a reason , even though , we are not wise enough to see it”. We all somewhere believe in skipping the journey and fast forward to the destination but the truth is every experience in the journey plays a paramount roleContinue reading “Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..”

A lighter version of life

It is the dynamism of time and seasons that every soul realises at some point that life is easier and just more covenient with everything light. By light, I mean it ranges from foods to emotions! I think that our new year’s resolution should not be about only losing weight of our body but alsoContinue reading “A lighter version of life”

The Bridge of Higher Ideals

Many people think success feels like a vertical ladder but I feel it is rather a horizontal bridge between higher perception and lower self esteem. I think that everything is worth manifesting within the survival limits in this dimension where vision rules the world. However, it is not always possible to have a well definedContinue reading “The Bridge of Higher Ideals”

Space and Life

In the words of Gautama Buddha – “Silence is an empty space and Space is the solace for the Awakened mind”. As a writer, I am always in queue for interesting reflection and in my quest for playing with words , I have taken space as my prime muse today. Majorly, because my space keyContinue reading “Space and Life”

Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?

In the era of evolution of humanity and expansion, it is more than necessary to stay rooted every day. Being rooted, keeps the humans more open and instigates awareness about the limitations of mankind. It is more than important to include an inner peace routine in your daily schedule no matter who you are byContinue reading “Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?”

Why it is essential to love what you do?

From the beginning of time, humans have manouevered to seek the meaning of this life in universe. Many have acclaimed survival modifications to seek meaning and others have sought after the broader truth of existence. However, the deeper truth is happiness lies in compassion. That is true meaning to our lives , from what IContinue reading “Why it is essential to love what you do?”

Why Seeking Inner Peace and Compassion Is The Purpose Of Life?

According to the 14th Dalai LLama, Buddhism preaches ” Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek”. This quote by the 14th Dalai Llama touched my heart immensely as I explored the scenic beauty of Sikkim. Today in my blog, I will share insightsContinue reading “Why Seeking Inner Peace and Compassion Is The Purpose Of Life?”

How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?

There have been days for all of us where nothing seemed right and you felt like doing nothing . However, life was too fast to stop for you so you stopped the time! I say it is healthy to stop time sometimes for your mental wellbeing. The purpose of breaks are to re-engineer your thoughtsContinue reading “How to re-engineer control and balance over life ?”