A journey with health

From childhood, we are taught that our health is wealth. However, while growing up and stepping into different phases of lives in different roles be it as a careless teenager, as a carefree adult , as a busy working professional, as a responsible parent etc. We lose the essence of our cautiousness towards our ownContinue reading “A journey with health”

Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..

In the words of Oprah Winfrey , ” I trust that everything happens for a reason , even though , we are not wise enough to see it”. We all somewhere believe in skipping the journey and fast forward to the destination but the truth is every experience in the journey plays a paramount roleContinue reading “Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..”

Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?

In the era of evolution of humanity and expansion, it is more than necessary to stay rooted every day. Being rooted, keeps the humans more open and instigates awareness about the limitations of mankind. It is more than important to include an inner peace routine in your daily schedule no matter who you are byContinue reading “Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?”

Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!

In our life, we are passengers in the trip of life. We encounter various stations and it is important to get off in the right station at the right time when the signal is right! Our whole living experience should be seen as a story, and best part is you are the narrator to thisContinue reading “Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!”

Why it is essential to love what you do?

From the beginning of time, humans have manouevered to seek the meaning of this life in universe. Many have acclaimed survival modifications to seek meaning and others have sought after the broader truth of existence. However, the deeper truth is happiness lies in compassion. That is true meaning to our lives , from what IContinue reading “Why it is essential to love what you do?”

The truth About Suffering

In Buddhist Preachings, It is said “The root of suffering is attachment “ . In my blog, I will unravel my current obsession with poetry , Buddhism and books that ultimately poised me to think that human life is never free of suffering and in this dire times , the key to uplift the soulContinue reading “The truth About Suffering”