The art of thinking nothing

In the words of Gautama Buddha, “The mind is everything. What you think, you become”. I have been currently reading a lot about channelising thoughts and having some sort of control over our mind. I am mesmerized by the tremendous scope of the human mind and the sad fact that many of us do notContinue reading “The art of thinking nothing”

Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..

In the words of Oprah Winfrey , ” I trust that everything happens for a reason , even though , we are not wise enough to see it”. We all somewhere believe in skipping the journey and fast forward to the destination but the truth is every experience in the journey plays a paramount roleContinue reading “Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..”

A lighter version of life

It is the dynamism of time and seasons that every soul realises at some point that life is easier and just more covenient with everything light. By light, I mean it ranges from foods to emotions! I think that our new year’s resolution should not be about only losing weight of our body but alsoContinue reading “A lighter version of life”

Revenge or Forgiveness?

Back in the days, when Africans were oppressed through the 1990’s for racial disparity, there was no way to retaliate untill they ofcourse decided to take matters in their own hands. Today, we have been successful in fighting all the biases to the extent of having them under the same forum everywhere as a markContinue reading “Revenge or Forgiveness?”

Space and Life

In the words of Gautama Buddha – “Silence is an empty space and Space is the solace for the Awakened mind”. As a writer, I am always in queue for interesting reflection and in my quest for playing with words , I have taken space as my prime muse today. Majorly, because my space keyContinue reading “Space and Life”