Discovering the void of the universe and life!

The word “void” sounds like the dead stars mystery of the universe towards the pathway of nothingness. Latest research has even picturized the validation of the real black spots in the universe in our very own galaxy. However, we are only about to discuss on the void of life and not only universe, the fear of nothingness.

I have realised that we all reach the zero point of our life where we feel nothing, we want nothing and we feel lighter at that moment itself. Somewhere , or other we are all scared of voids and mysterious vacuums. No wonder , that so many of us has resorted to external suits of material world in the hope of finding that lost feeling or to just bridge the gap. But it is a failed attempt just like our economy’s attempt to bridge the gap between rich and poor . After researching through religious and spiritual spectrums so far to see this void world in a less void perspective, I have found a conclusion to the ultimate quest that humanity seeks. It seeks ‘validation for completeness as per the doctrines of society’.

The core wise men who ever lived in this planet from Darwin to Socrates has suggested that external pursuits are short lived memento for your high quality ambitions constricted within the boundaries of survival and five senses. The true relic will be to look within and to find innermost validation for completeness , that will be the answer to half of your problems and challenges in life. Our subconscious is the most powerful asset of human existence and the problem is that not enough people are taking the stance to nurture their spiritual existence and to fill the ‘real void’.

If you are someone who feels void very often despite having all the external physical pursuits that life has to offer, it is time for you to seek the path of universe and creation. It is the only way to subside the chaos of seeking void and come to a settlement with your subconsciousness and looking beyond the realms of survival. We all are gifted with the capacity to meditate, have a healthy lifestyle, to be kind and to be forgiving. However, the feeling of nothingness is both a stigma and a boundary to something new, every dead star becomes a void in the universe (into the path of non existence), however every living star gives light to unsurmountable planets and sustains life as well with its grace and presence. Therefore, it is time to shine from your innermost self beyond the vices of the physical existence and to seek the void with connection to the creation and respect for the existence every day. Hence, live like a graceful monk like a lively star before giving yourself to the void.

Thanks with lots of love,


Mission to enjoy the journey

Our unique lives have unique goals to live this lifetime. However, 90% of us only spent half of our lives in contemplation of the future as if our lives are the sample data of budget forecasting and we are all on a tight budget to smile every second so as to enjoy every moment of present.

I was having one of those silent saturdays where I binge watched three movies and absolutely did nothing except eating and sleeping as my week comprised of brainstorming and burnout at work. However, this simple silence was so peaceful – no texts , no calls except from delivery guys..and absolutely no chaos. I think that’s what we need sometimes after too much noise, our own illusionary silent space to repair and restart another week .Now coming to the journey, I have always enjoyed long drives more than the destination itself. The secret to maintaining the same level of curiosity through the journey is to let go of the control button of your engine and enjoy the life as it comes. That’s how you figure out your personal journey .

Life can be enjoyed by simple things because we are rooted with nature. If you have a dream, you will have to learn or I would say practice patience. Now, while you are being patient , you can do millions of things to make the life around you better, you can be more kind, your words can bring joy, your small actions can change someone’s life, your simple advise can help someone. It is easy to be wise, it is a matter of time and perspective that life unravels its true wisdom in our story and we achieve what we deserve and what we worked for.

I have been in a buzzing state of mess for quite few months on the personal level , it is during this time , I got the zest to discover the book by Ryan Holiday and Robin Sharma. I realised that happiness is within and chaos is also within . The root of all our miseries relies in the roots of our being. In life, we have full control over ourselves and self-control is the biggest relic that you need to conquer in your quest of life.

In todays world, very few people have the attention span to listen, read, see, stare or even experience fully. Everyone are half-hearted stakeholders mostly unless they turn down their several distractions. Humans lost when lost the essence of devotion in what they do. If you visit a temple, you will realise that every devotee is fully focussed and fully absorbed in the present moment that they share with their higher power. The journey of our life needs to be experienced fully and that is possible only by devotion alone devoid of survival. Only the devotion and love can bring about enjoyment in the journey as you seek nothing but yourself and the source of your creation alone . In this state, humans are selfless and pure, that’s what I call mission accomplished my friend. Quoting from Ramayan , Ram said while releasing his arrow towards Vasistha “Duty.Honour.Honesty”. It is at this moment, he is selfless and dutiful while embodying his honour birth (existence) and honesty (Truth).

Yours Lovingly!


Moving Ahead – Full & Final Settlement Edition!

In our life, we are passengers in the trip of life. We encounter various stations and it is important to get off in the right station at the right time when the signal is right! Our whole living experience should be seen as a story, and best part is you are the narrator to this story.

Moving ahead in life is very crucial in order to experience this small life at its best. We spent our days contemplating the ‘what-ifs’ and the ‘what-was’ but we forget the fact that our present moment is slipping away and every setback is a blessing in its disguise. It is time for us to free ourselves from the shackles of past and chains of self pity. We are all meant to evolve for more powerful version of our being with one more challenge in our destination. The purpose of this life is to realize the ultimate truth of our being , which is impossible to achieve of our own feet is rooted at its journey spots. Each stoppage is a lesson spot and each passenger we encounter is a messenger to our great purpose.

Coming back to the days, when we never had social media exposure or access to stalking mechanisms, we were lucky to have that filter in our life keeping away unnecessary information. It is high time, we move on to the next level of our life without hovering over the remnants of past too long! Trust me, nothing will change there but to defy time and space, we always choose in life , in every sphere of our lives, we keep doing that. However, these days , stalking is entertainment to be toxic and be strictly avoided. As per the Gita, our minds function on the basis of the influences we are allowing into the system and so does our lives. It seems humans are not only consuming micro-plastics but also pointless information being fed into their system to tempt them to think in a certain manner and influence their thought process a whole and it is just the beginning of leading a dissatisfied life with a feeling of being stuck in the past.

In our work life, the HR often uses the word full and final settlement. We always do that to our past, we ensure to have that settlement so as to forgive with empathy and forget with purpose. The strength of our memory takes us to places as we feed the subconscious with surreal what ifs and ponder upon the fictional sand castles that will be bubble forever. However, the present is a gift to our life and the tomorrow is ours to build, we have to learn to never look back and even if we do, to only forgive and accept the lesson behind that important path that leads to our ultimate destiny and purpose. Hope this helps those who needs it!

Lots of Love,

Every time we linger in the past, we lose another second of the present that wont be returned to us , so move ahead to fully love this life of yours


Ageing is Beautiful!

While the beauty companies are in the constant era of provocation on how to pin down your youth so that you can get the best laser surgery in the market or the best cosmetic transition to be the dreamy version of what? Dorian Gray? …Then also remember what happened to him ultimately!

I believe in the mystic beauty of the whole process of ageing. As tomorrow is never guaranteed and yesterday, it is only a gift to be well off today. The whole transition from the pinnacle of your youth to the old wone you are blessed with is another virtue of wilderness to discover yourself fully.

The beauty of time lies underneath the curtains of wisdom and experience. Even the mundane job can give you a colourful life if you change your perspective, even the hardcore foundation of a tough encounter makes you feel special for thee day itself. As we age, we complain less, we tolerate more.

However, the senile physical self gives us joy whenever we come across young love, young children and that keeps our heart young enough. Ageing is just like a fine wine that we purchase after a decade and it does not fail to be wonderful and ecstatic. I believe that ageing is pretty , it helps us to gain better perspective and underrated mind readers for the younger children!

Every old object , an old photograph ir even an old camera is priceless because that edition cannot be repeated , similar like us, we age but we cannot be repeated in this lifetime, that is the reason ageing brings wisdom and courage to drive life like a skilled pilot from an autopilot intern. I believe time is the greatest teacher and ageing is the mightiest builder as everyday , every moment we gain a bit if golden perspective , to take nothing from here but only to get the best out of present age!

Old love is impeccable, old friends are comfortable cushions of life and old quilts are the best huggers. Similarly, maturity brings purity to mankind, more coherent thoughts, more controlled emotions and more merrier lessons to live life fully. Hence, ageing is beautiful in all its forms and numbers and looks. No need to rush, just staying here and living in this present moment❤️

Superior Perception

I am mesmerized by reading and writing as it brings forth the best art of thinking by the greatest thinkers who ever lived on this planet and walked the face of earth. In one lifetime, it is not possible to meet everyone or talk to everyone because time-travelling is only possible if you read enough! I have always seen people stuck in smallest of the issues dealing with their relationships, life, work or even their present moment. The art of self-reflection is very important when life triggers you to rock-bottom because we are never really at the rock-bottom, we just need an enhancement of our way of looking at life or any challenge that life throws at us.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

The things that keeps us in dark are often the isolated thoughts about a particular situation very specific to us and heightened level of self-importance. It is to be reckoned that we are just a speck of dust in this universe entirely and every situation can be resolved if it is approached with a wider perspective or “bigger picture”. It can be feelings of loss, hurt, emptiness or failure. All the negative emotions that evolves us to think in a certain manner is preparing us for a resolute wisdom in this lifetime. I also learned through my readings and deeper experiences, patterns keep repeating on loop in our lives if we do not learn the lesson it is meant to teach us and make the same kind of mistake once again that can result in a dungeon of darkness in life. I will suggest in one sentence ” be empathetic towards yourself”. The only principle most greatest thought leaders followed for righteous calling in every challenging gateway of life is to have the right pep-talk to look at the broader picture.

Why shutting down is required to detoxify your soul?

Photo by Vegan Liftz on

Some people say, it is important or only normal to put up a happy social face at all times and have an active social life. In the rising era of virtual work, dating or traveling, it is crucial have an aspect of realism in one’s lives. Each one of us are on our own individual journeys that requires us to be rooted and focused only on the top priorities. I say, we can shortlist our top five priorities , keeping the two out of it variables as the project keeps changing, and discard the rest like we discard the files from one drive after 90 days automatically! The hard drive of our single life time is not that proficient to handle all pressing world problems due to the over-consumption of information in the onset of digital evolution. Hence, detoxification breaks are more than necessary just like coffee breaks after a meeting. I suggest detoxification of social media for a week, a month or even a year , whatever suits your project.

Photo by Binti Malu on

I have personally embarked on a journey towards a span of break from the social platforms to focus on a present project that I hold close to my heart and I have bounded myself with the top priority list like I said and within few days I found myself with less distractions and more positive thoughts as I am completely in the present moment. I invest that time that would have been wasted in pointless videos and chats in reading a good book or reflecting on my new project.

We can always invest in judicious use of time as time is the greatest teacher and the costliest currency to trade. It is important to be fully in the present moment to reach the fullest potential of your existence. Some people are meant to do more as they are more inclined towards the universe and have open minds devoid of distractions and temporary happiness, they are the seeker of ultimate truth and permanent bliss, as that’s what the life you are gifted with will be blessed completely through your wisdom and karma.

Best Thoughts ” When taking care of physical diet, take care of your mental diet as everything we consume matters and cleanse your thoughts at every interval just like fasting for a peaceful existence.”

Signing Off,


The Seeker

Our whole lives are a potrait of what we really seek from our heart. Most of us are explorers and we forget our way and sometimes even get lost in the maze of existence, however keeping the mind straight is equally hard despite the curves of life. We need to know this, ” What we seek is actually seeking us “. It is a sheer irony that we spent most of our lives seeking affirmations and security. However, all of us are free enough to live a life seeking yourself, our true purpose in the existence and that will certainly sort out many unanswered questions related to any sphere of life as by then, we will know your soul from within , hence no external validations will suit our perception.

At the threshold of my bondage to thoughts, I found my release in seeking writing as my solace , which uncovered a whole arena of clarity and medicine to my soul. We often sought after life decisions to run away , seek, chase, validate or to expand. It requires high level of mindfulness to stay still at one place and to really think and question ourselves without the chaos of thoughts and external perceptions. The seeker feels that life has a definite manual to reach a destination that will change his life forever after reaching there, however the truth is the destination will not press any string of his heart that leads to the ultimate source of epiphany or happiness. It will just be another threshold he seeks to make an external change in his survival existence, what he really needs to expand is his emotional landscape and internal mindspace.

We humans are intrigued to embark onto the next level of work or life or career but the truth is every next level we delve into will demand an update version of us and the former version of ourselves are gone as we are all butterflies evolving from the humble abode of the warm cocoons – the protected shells of our comfort zone. Each stage will demand a new version of us as we seek something else, we lose a bit of our old self by age and thrive by wisdom! So, why not enjoy each of these phases instead of just cutting to the chase or the instagram friendly “good part” of the millenium. Why not envision a better way to be strong, to deal with the bitter and the whole growth process as this surmounts a larger portion of our journey – our setbacks, our vulnerabilities and our mind triggers. The key to seek is to know that which you seek is already seeking you my friend ! So be still and be evoked each day for a thrilling yet beautiful experience that we call – “life”

Signing off,


Why it is essential to love what you do?

From the beginning of time, humans have manouevered to seek the meaning of this life in universe. Many have acclaimed survival modifications to seek meaning and others have sought after the broader truth of existence. However, the deeper truth is happiness lies in compassion. That is true meaning to our lives , from what I read and experienced.

I read a lot and my last novel was ” Dune Road” by Jane Green, one of the beloved writers of my choice, I discovered an inner meaning to our lives and that is , it does not really matter if you are over-ambitious or not ambitious at all. In an era of corporate hot-shots and over-achievers, or so flaunted by social media intoxication, human beings are delving into a state of insecurity madness. Be it your first job or your first degree or another sphere of your life, why everything is susceptible to comparison?

The transition of a human being from the inception towards the varied phases of life can be both gruelling like a treasury hunt or the ultimate answer to the existence euphoria. Like, I found my ikigai in writing and expressions of pure nature, I am sure that each one of us loves doing something that does not have to be artistic or grand, rather I suggest that you can do a small pity thing with great perfection ( Like Making Candles!) , only thing matters is that you enjoy it to the fullest . The only thing that makes you be at peace and loving your life. As a matter of fact, we all can be a part of cogenial ecosystem everywhere, if you just mentally stop comparing, as you are comparing apples with oranges ( Being a privileged part of family of siblings of three, I can say , that it is a futile parameter to even compare your own children to psychologically program them to always compare to drive a competitive spirit.

Role Models and Admiration is healthy and larger than life that gives impetus to our growth and higher spirits of achievement in our individual spheres of passion, however competency spirit development by comparison of apples and oranges is just another toxic Instagra culture ! If you are always comparing , you will miss out the life – ” your life” to obsess with someone else’s footsteps or purpose. You will not love your job or your life for that matter as you are comparing yourself to the wrong things! The wrong things in the sense that it is not a parameter to even judge, however, the right track of thinking could be inspiration and admiration to do better in your own niche and be happy because you did your ultimate best.

It may sound foolish, but you are a minuscle part of the huge universe, and your purpose here is to evolve to highest version of yourself and experience life to the ultimate following your heart. Coming back to Dune Road – the main character of the novel ( Protagonist) seeks separation from her partner and it is a whole new version of herself that she discovers after creeping out of the shell of material lifestyle. I really find it strange how people are comfortable with living the life they are feeling out of place at or doing something they do not really like everyday for the rest of the lifetime to fit the so-called conventions of righteous way of living life.

In reality of the 21st century, the Gen Z are freedom seeking enthusiasts who are inclined to breaing rules and fighting the stereotypes of daily life. I say, revolt is necessary but peace is essential, if we are on a march to discard the wisdom of the entire generation, we might be missing out on learning the important lessons of our ancestors. The only thing that topples their life and ours are not only the professional achievements and freedom of thought but I feel a healthy generation devoid of extra consumption of pre-conceived careers and true voices to speak for your contribution to the community as a whole is the only conduit of happiness and our work is to fulfill our karma by helping this world with the best we can, with the best resources we have and not to seek personal grandeur that will only lead to emptiness just like the novel – Dune road!

Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?

This article felt too personal to share and that’s why it is a writer’s responsibility to share every bad chapters of life in great detail , because to a writer, every thing that happens in life is a story , every chapter is necessary and every character is a contribution to your iconic story that we call our life . Let’s dive.

Photo by Charlotte May on

It happened with me when I left my first job, It happened when I fell in love but did not worked out the way I wanted years back , trust me there was not much difference between both the feelings I experienced, except a thin line of professional touch to my work and a formal procedure. The feelings of past will always be a stone that can be unturned , only if our minds know how to deal with it. Our life events are not a bad chapter of an e-book that can be just deleted by pressing a button on your keyboard. We are the creator of our stories, we experience our stories like real-time, and to my acknowledgment till date, every bad phase did came to an end. I woke up the next day which was not easy at all, I cleared the clutter. And that’s my catch phrase solution to everyone suffering from guilt trips and ” what-ifs”.

Photo by Helena Lopes on

Trust me, when you took that decision, you are clarity yourself in that particular moment of your life and it is just a waste of time and thoughts to go into that merry-go-round loop in a desperate attempt to delete that moment from your life! I always found solace in clearing the clutter ( both in my head and in my room). The key to avoiding guilt-trips is to stop over-emphasizing the positive things , the reason for being your neutral mind-space and to think logically. The most important part of avoiding any bad chapters is to cease to classify them as “bad”. All phases are quintessential for our character formation and strengthens our perceptions and wisdom as the lessons are an unique experience we go through. Whenever there is a change in the natural course of our life, our mind gets buzzed with millions of thoughts and unnecessary guilt-trips of the past, only to reconcile that the present version is an all-together different person .

Photo by Eugene Golovesov on

It is essential that we learn, we change every second along-with the course of our life, with every event, every journey and every relationship. We learn more , accept more and resent a little less each day. The theory of life is to forgive the unforgettable , then you need not worry about forgetting . As they say, time is the best teacher and holding past as a benchmark only to judge your footsteps ahead in your life is the right thing to do!

Signing off,

Lots of Care and Love,


Age of Rethinking Life

Rumi said “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river flowing in you, A Joy” . With time and age, many things changes in our lives, time is the greatest teacher and age is the greatest wisdom. I gave it a solid thought that changemakers are always dominating history and they are the ones that changed the quality of life and humanity. They are the ultimate “oblivion”.

Photo by Creative Vix on

We all want to live a life that has a meaning and sense of purpose attached to it . At least, it is true for me to look beyond the materialistic shell of life and trust the essence of existence in its true being. With the ups and downs of every phase of life and every change in our experience of being in the present moment influences to rethink and bring changes in the society, personal life , community and the nation as a whole. We are instigated to the change the things that are existing in the universe for ages and it is blindly accepted by the humanity as the right and wrong. However, this generation is more empowered to not blindly accept everything and follows a decorum of new perspective and new age thinking that is the pressing need of the universe to instill order and greater quality of life in the spiritual sense as well.

Photo by Jonny Lew on

As more and more youths have intensified the importance of mental health apart from physical health, the previous generations have also somewhat accepted the fact that they lived their lives with denial and despair when it came to balance of mental well being and quality of existence. This is indeed ” the new age of rethinking and transforming”. We have come a long way from old-school jobs, relationships or even hobbies. This generation is all about following their dreams, breaking the stereotypes and redefining the nature of existence by following a certain unique purpose. For example- If you love doing what you are doing today, If you love waking up to see your loved ones, you do not need to worry about the future or the past much. However, this generation needs to be more calm and needs to know that they have time to pursue their dreams and be more patient. As too much energy staking in one certain thing may result in burnout and you have the entire life to spend your life energy. Till then, it is important to be calm and breathe and live in the moment.

Photo by Javon Swaby on

As jobs become work from home , relationships becomes virtual , family events gets done over videocalls, we need to be more human and patient with life. If we start entangling every event of life with the speed of a mechanical gadget, then emotions will be replaced by artificial feelings and real sense of experiencing life in the truest sense will be absent. I cannot stress enough the key to mindfulness is reading and yoga for me, but anyone can do something they love to rewind and rethink and reflect. It is essential for this fast paced world to stop sometimes for us , so that we can rethink on life abundantly. Our generation needs this rewind more frequently than our ancestors more than ever, and the reason is the digital era. We are missing out the humanly words, thoughts and more associated with the artificial interactions, so it is mandatory that we take breaks, we rethink, we reflect and we re-embrace our purpose and meaning to this life we have from time to time. Skipping to the good part. Chilling is mandatory.

Lots of love and wishing safe health,


Hope and Life

In the warm words of Dalai Lama ” I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the Universe.” This life revolves around the best days and the worst days but we human beings are on a constant loop to appreciate the good times and not the valuable lessons and signs that we engrave from the testing times.

It is the testing times that transforms us , it is the hardships that breaks us, it is the atrocities that teaches us the true meaning of living beyond the existence. As a writer, I am always bonded with creativity and emotions . Even a small transition in the general course of life makes me question the pattern of the universe, the signs of the true enlightenment and the gateway of hope. Human beings undermine the strength of ” hope” while chasing constant happiness . Happiness is a state of euphoria that is not supposed to be at all times to make space for other emotions, other dimensions and a broader perception.

Photo by Aaron Burden on

Life goes on the unravelling spur of hope and reality. I have been reading a grappling novel on Indra Nooyi’s life and found that many phases of life has to be balanced, many moments has to be experienced with placidity and many instances has to be forgotten as nothing is important than the greater signs of the universe that ultimately fits us in a shoe that is ours! At least people who follow their own intuition knows where they belong despite the adversity, the setbacks , the pain and the challenges.

Photo by Belle Co on

If we really want to enjoy life sip by sip, without understanding the bitter and sweet counterparts, we will miss the adventurous story, the real taste of existence and the profound meaning of being living in the present. Those who live in the past will always be stuck with lots of baggage and weights. Those who are too futuristic will always live somewhere else mentally without feeling the ecstasy of the present moment. The key to happiness is to be lighter in life like water , like trees, like nature itself.

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Water as an element of nature always stays calm despite the baggage of the world. The trees stay healthier by withering the dry twigs and the dried leaves during autumn. The air becomes lighter when we invoke less artificial pollution in it. Human beings are like nature itself. Life is a process of withering away the heavier, the artificial and the baggage!

Photo by Liam Ortiz on

Hence, life should be a platter to experience not to carry . Life goes on hope and hope substantially is the result of a powerful wisdom and a relentless mindfulness of the broader aspects of the universe. Let us pledge to live in now, lighter, and more brighter each day . Here is hoping and praying and believing that there is something special for everyone.