How strong is our vision?

It is said that our thoughts plays a crucial role in the quality of our lives. It is much similar to the quality of a sweater is directly dependent on the quality of threads woven to create that one perfect piece.  I took my liberty to research on the aspect of vision and the bandwidth of impact it can generate on our future and each aspect our lives.

As per research on human minds, our minds are miraculously programmed to make believe incidents from individual perspective and world perspective to form strong opinions about everything that is surrounding us. The individual perspective is acquired through personal sets of experiences, childhood memories and it forms a personal view point on the purpose of life . The world perspective is on the community level and the societal viewpoints. The rigidity of our preformed opinions are such that it often disruptive to break the mental barriers and reach the true potential of our minds.  Our thoughts are much like tidal waves of the ocean operated secretly by the gravitational impacts of the subconscious mind . The day our control arrives on the paucity of our subconscious mental powers, we can really connect with the divine grace of our cosmos.

In our professional lives also, before embarking on the project, the vision for the project impact is fixed beforehand to make it a stronger reality. The vision is much like a mantra in the scripture language of the East that drives the advocacy of ethical standards and the desired impact for any new goal of our lives. In the present world, there is upsurging need to supplement our vision in every aspect of lives with intelligence and world view to really understand the cosmos and the lives from a broader perspective righteous to the divine energy thought process.

The extended vision will unlock the ample wisdom of not only experiencing and seeing lives on the surface level but addressing individuals as pure souls in a separate path having their own journeys and stories in this wide cosmos. The bigger truth is just one perspective away to get the ultimate clarity to our individual journeys and making wise decisions in every sphere of our time here. The verbosity of human intelligence is quite limited but the realm of uprooted consciousness is beyond the perspective of far sightedness yet humble truth of existence that can only be experienced and get us connected to the divinity.

Seeing literally with our eyes is a preliminary form of seeing — seeing non-literally includes seeing future ramifications with our intelligence and seeing higher aspects of reality by divine grace.

The Bhagavad Gita , (Verse 18.73)

A lighter version of life

It is the dynamism of time and seasons that every soul realises at some point that life is easier and just more covenient with everything light. By light, I mean it ranges from foods to emotions! I think that our new year’s resolution should not be about only losing weight of our body but also about losing weight of unnecessary thoughts, unhealthy cravings and live a thought disciplined and diet disciplined life.

As we loose the weight of unperturbed thoughts and diverse emotions, we realise the see through simplicity of life the way it is meant to be. Life is best experienced in full lightness with utmost faith towards the bigger purpose beyond the nitty grittiest stuffs of daily life.

It is important for us to declutter our thoughts, words and actions to have meaningful existence . In my opinion, it is not always favorable to have an upbeat attitude every time and sometimes we need time to pause and reflect. Even your cellphone needs to switch off prior to a software update and you, as this rational species surely deserve a “switch off” mode to rejuvenate and reflect to start afresh.

The lighter aspect of life demands your perseverance, full hearted attention and patience to rejoice in the present moment in the righteous form of yourself. Sometimes, we lose stuffs , then we declutter the mess by taking a pause and we find it again. It takes a matter of time and whole lot of meditation to reboot or pause a human being’s mind.

Life always swirls itself in a pattern which can only be seen when experienced lighter and perceived higher. There seems to be a sense to every mess and a perfect order to every heavy heart. Only, we need some pauses and meaningful reflection sessions to see that one important pattern that was there all along right before our eyes all this time to find the true purpose and the real lightness. It will definitely set us free of an invisible bondage and prepare us for a better beginning and greater ideals. Leaving my readers with a quote by my favorite poet of all times on a different lighter note :

” If light is in your heart, you will find your way home”.


The Bridge of Higher Ideals

Many people think success feels like a vertical ladder but I feel it is rather a horizontal bridge between higher perception and lower self esteem. I think that everything is worth manifesting within the survival limits in this dimension where vision rules the world. However, it is not always possible to have a well defined roadmap but a clarity of the path should be present to throw light ultimately on our self awareness and what we seek from this lifetime.

As humans, we feel the tendency to control everything in our lives without having the baton of control on our own selves. Even the toughest meditation is possible only by proper control of our own minds and thoughts. The truth is nothing is worth controlling because it will lead to failure in our external environment. The trick is to have self discipline within our own selves to have real control of everything in our lives as most of our problems exist only in our minds. “Stop making your problems your mind’s humble abode because it should not be stored there”.

In the recent times, a very important aspect of human mind is the excessive comparison of real life and reel life ( the life potrayed in social forums) which is driving an entire population to no brainer logic that both are same. The mind games that we play on ourselves while make-believe our lives with the set standards of social acceptance and defined normalcy are not only surreal stringent but also not even close to a well lived life.

However, the havoc in the ideals of human mind do not define courage, serenity , loyalty , patience and honesty as predefined qualities for living a healthy life but instead we are driven towards falsification, ego, corrupt personalities, dual lives and filtered words to potray our egos to the world through the conduits of social forums and communities. The definition of well lived life is not found in the chaos of social hypocrisy but in the silence and humility of true identity. We all need to channelize our energies at some point to find our true selves in our lifetime and utilize this moment or it will just pass on like the wind.

The moral of my blog today is to enlighten ourselves to higher ideals through gratification of true virtues of mankind often preached by stoics school of thoughts as Modesty, Taming the Tongue,Good Judges of Value,Bravery, Kindness, Courage and Fellowship. It is always possible to see the light if we want to see it from our heart and walk in that direction. Let’s use our energies wisely and spend our times mindfully investing in happiness as multiplied returns!

With lots of compassion and love for my readers,


Scriptures and Beyond

Around millions of years back, while the evolution of scriptures took place, the underlying motto of the literature was to deduce the meaning of universe as a whole from the Godly perspective . The criterion to understand this world better and to live the way the creation urns us to be , it is a must have to dive into the spiritual realm of this universe. Over years and decades, lots of philosophers have advocated different doctrines to decipher the meaning of this life and it all ended with the oldest belief of spirits as universal realm disclosed in vedas and puranas of the east.

The truth to live with true essence of ourselves is to understand the key disciplines of scriptures that evokes the right way to polish our lives and our Karmas. However, today, I will talk about dealing everyday life with spiritual doctrines and it’s significance in every step along the way .

1. When we are feeling stuck or just not enough , remember this quote from Bhagavad Gita

“Whatever happened was good, what’s happening is going well, whatever will happen , will also be good. You need not have regards from the past. Do not worry for the future. Live in the Present”.

2. When we are feeling overwhelmed by some strong emotion , remember this

“Shutout the Physical world, Control the mind, then you will be Free”.

3. When we are having self doubts , try this affirmation

” A man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he becomes.”

4. When we are seeking peace for our mind

“Calmness, Gentleness, Silence, Self Restraint and Purity: These are the disciplines of the mind”

5. When we are compassionate enough towards the self , realise this

“When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union”.

6. Lastly, an enlightening statement on love

“He who has no attachments can really love others, for his love is pure and divine.”

I recommend a morning routine to read scriptures for refreshment of the mind and envisioning a broader perspective amidst the forceps of the fast world. Life is beautiful when balanced and immense mind work is a pre requisite to lead your mind to the concrete direction of your path and purpose. Stay Positive, Stay Happy

Lots of love,


Revenge or Forgiveness?

Back in the days, when Africans were oppressed through the 1990’s for racial disparity, there was no way to retaliate untill they ofcourse decided to take matters in their own hands. Today, we have been successful in fighting all the biases to the extent of having them under the same forum everywhere as a mark of unity and humanity. But to really get out of the shackles of the biases, a sense of forgiveness attitude is a necessity. We all need a forum to create peace with past. The pain of the past is indefinitely real despite the passage of time but infinitely subjecting yourself to the bondage of memories is another path to misery and disappointment.

Every setbacks or failures of life should be seen as a lesson or a story instead of objectifying every incident , it is more than necessary to have an objective perception. In todays world, we have too much access to huge information that our mind can actually process at the same time. It is important to widen your boundaries and to stay updated with the news but in the right direction. Unfortunately, it is equally important to have a mental diet and what’s going inside our head at all times. The high impact people often confesses that they believe in social detox from time to time to function more productively and also it gives them ample space and time to enable their minds process everything and respond smartly.

In the world of materialism and high ideals, there is no such thing as forgiveness but they sell ambition as revenge and materialism as reality. As a matter of fact, both are not true. The myth of living a satisfied life is just following your highest ideals and not anybody else’s from your gold standard business magazines. The humility of forgiving your past comes from rootedness and sense of freedom that you desire for your mind.

Now , if you have any burdened past over your heart, it is high time you make it fly and forgiving and forgetting . This steps might help!

1. Keep a Morning Routine of mindfulness and low digital devices exposure , It will help you focus on the top priorities .

2. Have a Gratitude Journal, Thank this life and creation for teaching such important lessons to bring you this far…

3. Whenever you feel out of place, imagine a still river standing still despite the hurdles of stones on its path , that’s exactly what you should be- like a still river.

4. Keep moving ahead in your direction , not someone else’s!

Thanks & Lots of Love,


Space and Life

In the words of Gautama Buddha – “Silence is an empty space and Space is the solace for the Awakened mind”.

As a writer, I am always in queue for interesting reflection and in my quest for playing with words , I have taken space as my prime muse today. Majorly, because my space key of keyboard was not working , negating my thought totally on a different perception on the importance of space key in life as well . Lets dive in.

Space in science means a two or three dimensional continuum allowing objects in a distance to reflect a certain position, volume and visuals. In life, space means your own arena where you evolve in your own dimension. Often in life, we need space from time to time to get back to our rooted selves and process the events that are constantly overwhelming us. In order to stay focussed on our path, I think space is an inevitable to choice to peace and fulfillment of soul.

Personal space is important even for kids as they thrive in their solace and individual character formation without constantly being sabotaged by the choices of their elders in all cases. When we reach a certain time in life where we seek peace and clear thinking , we need clearly defined boundaries of respect and integrity that defines the base of our being and our true well being nourishes in the presence of such motivational space.

Space key in our keypad has the capacity to make clustered words look beautiful as I cant imagine sentences without space as a writer, I also cannot imagine a world or a life or a relationship without personal space ! To me, words are like expressions of life in the form of non verbal communication and it holds strong stance in the way we see things both ways .

Now to give some handy tips to predefine your space. Firstly, find your true passion and explore your innate hobbies that your are most attracted to and practice those . Following that, have a cozy me time! It is always great to take small breaks for your mental well being and peace. Thirdly , explore out of the box adventures, have the thrill of experiencing life be it at the boundaries of your home or outside , really immaterial. Lastly, stay devoted to your higher power to have stronger source of affirmations when in doubt in your space!

Concluding this , it is always safer to follow the calling of your heart to dedicate your time and energy to evolve in the space of your aura that guides you and lends you enough time to be the way you want to experience this life once and for all. Hence, respect space to respect life!

Why unsolicited advice is not tempting?

Socrates once said – “Knowing yourselves has extraordinary prestige in our culture”.

Photo by Artem Podrez on

In today’s world, we have a lot of crowded spaces for life-coaches and advisors around us. Even people are ready to pay a hefty fees to a therapist for listening to their rants all day and drawing calm conclusion to rest their chaotic mind. However, it is rather interesting to note that too many of us are good at judging and forming a strong opinion of other’s lives and not learning the truth about themselves. The idea of a perfect life is a myth and the dimension of an advisor in rescue is even a broader delusion. At some low point in the background of everybody’s life, we do need listeners always but advisors ( maybe not that desirable).

Photo by Arvind shakya on

The truth about uniqueness of every individual is well talked about in the eastern mythology as well. In the verse of Bhagavad Gita, seventh chapter , Krishna says to Arjuna , ” The true knowledge of the self is the light of wisdom that dispels the darkness of ignorance and vanishes all doubts. Through devotion and determination, Arjuna, you can gain that knowledge“. We all wear different hats at different points in our life and we can only imagine the vibrations of another soul but not feel it with that intensity unless we are deep-rooted to the knowledge our self-wisdom. Differences and uniqueness exists as we feed into the darkness of judgements and arrogance without any consideration of the others. It is rather easy to judge than to self-reflect, that is why monks often keep 5 minutes of their day towards self-reflection and what activities they did in a particular day to contribute toward their self-awareness.

Photo by Pixabay on

We all need self-awareness before going for a random unsolicited advice so that we are not secluded by our judgements while forming an opinion about other people’s way of life and choices. We all are capacitated by the higher energy with universal perception , however , we are often clouded by our own assumptions of right and wrong way of living while giving advice and not listening enough or feeling the vibes in fullest form of consciousness.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Sattvic way of life is so moderating because external reality is a myth and they are equipped with the universal perception and the ability to feel energies undergoing the different phases of existence. Hence, whenever, you find yourself in divulging to form a strong opinion about someone or some place or some incident, take a pause to know yourself this time to form a clean perception devoid of ignorance, darkness of arrogance, too full of yourself. It is high time for both sides to practice mind-fullness and clean thinking to have a clean perception of life in it’s true being. In this way, everyone will be blissful in their unique goals of life and pursue them with fullness devoid any unsolicited and un-tempting advice!

Lots of love ,


Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?

In the era of evolution of humanity and expansion, it is more than necessary to stay rooted every day. Being rooted, keeps the humans more open and instigates awareness about the limitations of mankind. It is more than important to include an inner peace routine in your daily schedule no matter who you are by external identity. Our inner world and subconscious needs our time too.

It is an entire generation moving on impulsive lifestyles and influential character. If all of the humanity transcends into extra consumption of clone ideas of life, then we defy the whole purpose of individuality that creation has accounted for in each one of beings. We all have special qualities and powers that makes us unique creatures. If we stop nurturing the divine force in us, we lose the highest form of living in this planet to the utmost potential.

In Bhagavad Gita, Vishu says “Our life is a reflection of the quality of thoughts in our head”. I think it is more than important to have discipline of thinking. At every point of our life, we delve into moments where feel the pressure to think hayward , but in reality the world does not turn upside down totally if you clasp it with the thread of thought discipline and to totally eliminate negative thoughts from your mind space, it is the effective way .

We all need a divine sense in ourselves to understand the true nature of our place in earth or in universe for that matter. Humans are able to make rational moves in a decorum thats what distinguishes homo sapiens from animals. However, these days the increased consumption of unwanted media, colonial wisdom, mass-deception, time wasting content has lead to no sense in humanity and bring about dependencies on screens of devices as if , humans are debarred from brain of their own to think in an unique sense!

Today , we have given birth to the trend of dopamine shots of gadget addiction, less customary contact with people, less time with nature and mass-opinionated clones having same ideology despite individualism and staunch vigour. I am blessed to be in an era of character solidification in my time about 10 years back without any dependency on any external social validation. It is a much needed standpoint today to bring about transformation in our lifestyle by incorporating meditation as necessary as social life online and spiritual knowledge enhancement as necessary as doctor consultation for our mental space expansion beyond the realms of survival.

It is high time, we talk about virtues again, morality with pleasure and compassion with animals . The millennials are only getting the taste of the internet with unrestricted access to unnecessary information that debarred a filtered lifestyle but it is necessary to teach the next gen the importance of minimalistic, simple and strong character in the longer run in the game of life. According to Marcus Aurelius , the king of Greek philosophy ” The soul becomes dyed with the colors of its own thoughts”. This brings about the best of the thought discipline and minimalistic sense of existence.

Knowing the Right time

All our lives, we are waiting for the right time for everything. Right time to talk, right time to grow up, right time to listen, right time to live, but wait, there is no really not one right time to live at ease, living is always subjective to the present. Between the embodiment of time and space, there is a loop of existential energy , that keeps delaying the happiness of life to be savoured at the so called right time. However, delaying happiness, is like delaying life to happen to us! Or should I say life is happening every second of your time in this humble planet.

In this blog, I will just cover a minute spectrum of this topic combining patience and right time and to understand what these two really means! Beyond the world of chaos and criticism, there is a stopgap road that leads to the solution of all root problems of life. Patience is a “pause” button to refresh our life to get the best version and to experience the life at its true form. In hindu mythology, Krishna says “Patience is among the key virtues of Satvic Gunas to Arjuna”.

There is a right time to everything in this lifetime. Patience is a form of meditation that is not only a necessary trait of strong character but also the only way to achieve what you deserve. Nature has it’s own seasons and every season of life has it’s own taste and learning experience to render to us.

Sometimes, we lose ourselves in moments to compare, criticize and complain instead of analyzing, having compassion and knowing time is the greatest teacher, that we forget that humans are insignificant in front of the plethora of virtues of nature. We are always in a state of self absorption and judgement when we are rushing our life instead of experiencing life in all its forms and mechanisms!

Hence, better than never , it is better to realize that though mankind was rational enough to build a timeline or a calendar or a watch for their existence, life is exactly not so much of a race. It is neither a static, nor a dynamic, life is what happens between the crevices of wind, folds of sands and imageries of shadows that says to us every moment, everything is exactly timed by the creation with the conjoined efforts of your dreams and without any rush mostly. This too shall pass!

Lots of love,


At the edge of two crossroads.

Lucky are those privileged humans who are endowed with choices in this lifetime. Most of us are not ready to face the consequences of our decisions in day to day life. Every moment and second of our life revolves around taking the correct step for our decisions and lie in the bed that you have made as the old saying goes! It is very crucial for us to meditate, observe silence and have faith in our inner conscience to think constructively in decision making process.

Being a management student, we are taught in universities to use various tools to judge our decisions and it almost works out 90% of time in businesses because it is a foreplay of mind more than heart. However, there is always a war between our heart and mind whenever we are embarking on the edge of the two roads diverged in yellow woods(Ruskin Bond) and I always took the road less travelled! From taking the most uncommon subject in ninth to taking the most versatile career, I always loved adventure to experience the thrill of life.

I must say I am a risk-taker! I can jump into a well after doing so much for a long time for one thing if it does not align with my conscience anymore and I must say, my heart won everytime! Remember always, heart is never wrong if followed with a humble mind. I believe that every decision leaves behind some unsaid and semi-finished tasks but let’s move ahead always towards our ultimate purpose of existing in this universe for the universe. Everyday we have the choice to be content and faithful to our choices of life and realise our true potential at the present or to ponder upon the past and delve into the unfinished business with places, people, things, incidents and memories.

Decisions are evaluated often on the basis of present moment and not on the basis of wider perception (the bigger picture). The most astounding business leaders of this world , Warren Buffet said ” You only have to do very few things right in your life, so long as you do not do too many things wrong”.

Some instances of our life propels us to take the decision that changes everything, so we always gets flustered into the cobwebs of external influences and past experiences to finally reach a conclusion. However, the point that most are missing is doing what you “love” is the only key to have a good and healthy life and not any other factor. If we do the right things at the right time and follow our strong inner calling, we will definitely enrich ourselves and those lives around us and impacted by us. Being well off and having a well being are ultimate opposites of the same coin and life is to be lived devoid of regrets, boundless possibility and rooted choices to have a simple way of living. So let’s dive in to make that important decision fearlessly to take a step today towards the right path!

Love ,
