Going the distance

To be honest,what stays in your heart can’t be separated by time,distance and age ~ana

Hi readers, this is my second post of this blog and i am grateful for the amazing response i received from the first one. Thanks to u people:)

We all have the tendency to be dependent on certain people be it any person which obviously changes over time.I think it is also true that when it comes to those priority list we could count on those constants of our life. How are we sure that they are gonna stay? Let me answer that..no we are not. Our heart lies in the trust and faith we put on these people that make them stick to us everytime and in that moment my friends! distance and time are just chapters of math!(p.s. i hate that subject).

    I have been able to notice after a long time, that life does not revolve around expectations. It was worth a moment of joy when i met my old school friend at a mall after ages..apart from outward appearences..nothing really changed. So giving some distance to yourself from your friends because you have goals to achieve is just a bad excuse and a quite debatable fact indeed. Knowing what works out for you will be the best decision. When they have time and wisdom enough to talk to you again..believe me they will. Personally people who suffer through sulking over anything think twice and i recommend five rules to slay it!


    Whenever,i have tried to replace my old clothes with new ones, i have faced difficulty. Old stuffs are hard to replace or irreplaceable but when you let yourself find a purpose you dont forget them or get rid of them! you keep them somewhere safe in your heart and let them fly on their own. One day, they will come back to you and reminisce how stupid we used to be and maybe write a note or two to our immature self. The greatest happiness is in living in the moment and the distance we talk about is a myth altogether.

    Distance comes with consequences and rewards of its own but you have to be brave enough to achieve both~ana:)

    I hope you enjoyed reading it! see you soon with more interesting topics. Waiting for your feedback in the comments section and follow me @auzo29.wordpress.com ..laters:)

    Out of the box

    It is said when you pen down your feelings you get rid of them-ana:)

    Hello readers..let me start by introducing myself- Ana here for you to share some of the relatable stories we all come across at some point in our life and much more on my personal encounters with situations and a whole lot of interesting experiences!!

    I am going to tell a story about why i started this blog and why i think this writing thing is my cup of tea in a whole different way.As a blogger,i am going to start with my own experience on this decision and how it has worked out for me.


    We all are afraid of change ,no matter how convinced or confident we are about it but getting out of that comfort shell is way harder than you think ..my friend!

    Let’s remember our childhood days when our parents left us to school all alone and god how much we all cried!Same thing happens when we grow up and we have to face new challenges everyday and every moment.Not to mention i have been an introvert queen myself! and because of that life has treated me with rather static lifestyle without any thirst to do something new every now and then.

    As a result of my extreme shy personality, i lost the lively version of myself and maybe “myself” also.Some days passed with fear of doing what i was supposed to do and i got so used to nothingness yet cozy covers of the comfort shell that i could lend my favourite chocolate icecream to my brother at the price of sticking to it.

    Well i was sure shot creating a world of my own imagination and living there peacefully for the rest of my life. Abstaining from reality is indeed a merry desire everyone enjoys to have once in a while in their life .Well maybe the way i pictured everything was not what it turned out at the later stages of my life. Sooner i realized ,during my final year of gradschool , i had tons of stacked up for tommorow pending or craving to be done. I didn’t experience this much disappointment in my whole life.By that i strongly mean not even a breakup would upset me so much that my regrets did. Never regret anything you have ever done cause at that point of time ,it was all you wanted. I have spent so much of my life procastinating of what could have been done that i forgot that now is the moment when you should discover yourself and try new things. Remember the first time you learned to ride a bicycle?..i am sure you were scared cause you were afraid of change but what if change means another door opens for you to serve with opportunities or to make you rich with experience or just maybe gives you something to stick onto to tell a story to someone.

    So folks!! i am sure this article helped you.Dnt forget to give your feedback@auzo29

    Never be afraid to try or learn something new cause there is nothing to lose,it will either make you rich with experience or fortune.who knows?!..ana:)