Life is all about feeling lighter

Life is not meant to be taken seriously, it is always a game of experience and acceptance. Life teaches us to make the right moves at the right time or it just becomes too late in the wrong place and the wrong time. Each one of us needs to move forward no matter what theContinue reading “Life is all about feeling lighter”

We only get lost in life to be found again

Life is long and sometimes it is only found by losing ourselves. It’s like a refresh button to see things clearer from a broader perspective. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, the Greek emperor wrote, ” The more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have.” I believe we all liveContinue reading “We only get lost in life to be found again”

A year full of surprises and yet more to hope for

Normally, people celebrate New Year’s as a mark of a new beginning but for me exclusively, each birthday becomes my stepping stone to a whole new version of me and I experience life in all its forms and phases. For the past few months, the writer in me was in a slump state of feelingContinue reading “A year full of surprises and yet more to hope for”

Vedic Literature on Suffering

In many books I have read, it is during adversity that a human being grows and the challenges are stepping stones to important character formation. On the other hand, dealing with a similar topic, spirituality teaches us that the external world has no control over our inner world, but the point is, is it reallyContinue reading “Vedic Literature on Suffering”

Looking at the Bright Side!

This is a special blog. I have always been super positive about my life through thick and thin, only to realize that every emotion is equally important and should be felt, maybe not intensively but at equivocal limits. Lately, I have been obsessed with spiritual and self-help books to discover really great writers and spiritualContinue reading “Looking at the Bright Side!”

Mantra for protecting your aura

In today’s world, the advent of external vibrations can sometimes affect you internally also but is very important to ensure that it is a short period of time. Our souls should behave like water , unaffected by stones, mountains and whatever force may come, the stream should keep flowing. It might freeze or dry upContinue reading “Mantra for protecting your aura”

A journey with health

From childhood, we are taught that our health is wealth. However, while growing up and stepping into different phases of lives in different roles be it as a careless teenager, as a carefree adult , as a busy working professional, as a responsible parent etc. We lose the essence of our cautiousness towards our ownContinue reading “A journey with health”

Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..

In the words of Oprah Winfrey , ” I trust that everything happens for a reason , even though , we are not wise enough to see it”. We all somewhere believe in skipping the journey and fast forward to the destination but the truth is every experience in the journey plays a paramount roleContinue reading “Everything in Life mostly happens for a reason …..”