Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?

This article felt too personal to share and that’s why it is a writer’s responsibility to share every bad chapters of life in great detail , because to a writer, every thing that happens in life is a story , every chapter is necessary and every character is a contribution to your iconic story thatContinue reading “Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?”

Do you know what you deserve?

Most of us , actually all of us , spend their lives amidst the half -hearted wishes , relationships , lifestyles and call it “compromise” or they use words like “patience”. However , I feel every action has an equal and very opposite reaction. If you do not like something , why compromise ? !Continue reading “Do you know what you deserve?”

Quarantine days of liberty and thoughts..

(Opinions stated in the article are highly personal and no intention to offend any stigma of society or religious views) Call it destiny but humanity needed a jolt to realize the massacre they have done to build the materialistic empire of greed and dreams. The best cure to any disease is mostly mental strength moreContinue reading “Quarantine days of liberty and thoughts..”

How to deal with new challenges that life throws at you ?

Nobody is perfect and we are all learners at every stage of life ! What is it with this generation ? Why the new youth cannot tolerate criticism from elders? Why so less patience and toil harder to resist firmly ? We all know, life is a journey with no smooth road , it willContinue reading “How to deal with new challenges that life throws at you ?”

Dreams and much more..

Mid-twenties ain’t about your high definition pictures in your overrated Instagram blogs, It is rather about trusting the instinct of realistic dreams and hassle for if every second to take the baggage off for your actions. It ain’t about showing off, it is about working towards something you will look forward to.