We only get lost in life to be found again

Life is long and sometimes it is only found by losing ourselves. It’s like a refresh button to see things clearer from a broader perspective. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, the Greek emperor wrote, ” The more we value things outside of our control, the less control we have.” I believe we all live in a paradigm mindset of things we can have some control over but the truth is everything is dynamic and nothing is evergreen constant. The part of the human experience is to evolve with time and grow up to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. We all have total power over ourselves to introspect and improve each day, to use our lessons as good teachers to thrive our wisdom and heal our souls.

I love how the Bhagavad Gita is a beautiful powerhouse of all life issues and how to live this life righteously in the most profound manner. The Gita is among all the scriptures I read and has the most predominant expression of the highest version of human life. To all lost souls, it has the unwavering touch of peace and direction maybe.

“In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees.”

― Bhagavad Gita
Photo by Bella White on Pexels.com

Our lives are much like the lost waves of the sea, that seem lost in one moment but they always wander around and come back to their original place where it belong, where it is peace, and where everything falls into place to conjoin with the greater alignment. I feel being lost is a good sign as it gives us space to start fresh and see life from a dimensional perspective, it is like a second chance to detour our journey to a place where the higher meaning lies and precisely even profound living experience. Nature teaches us we just are too helpless to control everything in this universe and it is mostly driven by our chances and choices to make a better decision every second.

Photo by Eva Bronzini on Pexels.com

I believe nobody is the maestro of perfection, we all are somehow imperfectly perfect in our own way at the same time that’s the beauty of embracing differences, we get to learn something totally alien to our constricted world of perception. Being lost teaches us to embrace new ways of living, explore what really aligns with the present moment, and find meaning.

I believe every new path requires us to be lost in the old path and purposeless. It helps us grow and wiser with time. In the phrase of Gita, there is a quote that says, “Meet this transient world with neither grasping nor fear, trust the unfolding of life and you will attain true serenity.” Even in our professions, to grow, we learn to unlearn to learn new things and make space for the necessary to eliminate unnecessary chaos. I was reading about the life of Mahavira, the greatest enlightened sentient being, he realized that life is a process of renunciation of the temporary to attain permanent bliss. That really is the motto of a happy life – simplicity & minimalism. Concluding with this, wrapping up the last blog post of this year with lots of love and best wishes for my readers.

Lots of Love,


Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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