A year full of surprises and yet more to hope for

Normally, people celebrate New Year’s as a mark of a new beginning but for me exclusively, each birthday becomes my stepping stone to a whole new version of me and I experience life in all its forms and phases. For the past few months, the writer in me was in a slump state of feeling no emotions! Maybe it is a part of my spiritual progression I am assuming but that has made me detached from the worldly loop of ecstasy and made me grow and envision things objectively. In this blog today, I will just recapitulate and reflect on my experience because life itself is the most sacred thing happening right now and yet we take things for granted!

Photo by Nici Gottstein on Pexels.com

The past few months have been transformative. I learned mental and physical transformation comes with its own change-making process. To deal with change, one must have constant faith in the self and the higher power. I learned that discipline in small things matters. It teaches us to build a strong character and set an example for the next generation. I also learned trust is important in all relationships, it is needed to make it stronger each day and grow. I learned that friendships are based on strong foundations of faith and integrity and not on how many times we meet our friends every year. I learned that our parents are our treasure, and we should be by their side whenever they need us without any second priorities, they should be the first priority always. I learned that all every human being need is love and good vibes, and it does not hurt to be kind. Not to mention that ,Kindness can melt iron (no it won’t but I wanted to highlight the power of kindness ). I also learned that sometimes to strike a balance, our ambitions will have to take a backseat to sway the odds and sometimes we just need our own time frame to heal and restore ourselves to come back on the front seat stronger and better. I also learned, last but not least, that with every year, letting go will be prevalent, and moving on will be relevant, so let go of what’s heavy on your heart and embrace the “now”!

Photo by Monica Turlui on Pexels.com

After my pep talk on personal sharing of experiences, I will move on to something more general. In the present world, we think that life should be happening at the fastest speed all at once and that we will get everything at once and this leads to anxiety for very successful people even. So I will just share a handful of tips to tone down your anxiety levels in daily life :

  1. Take time to reflect and focus on your breathwork

I personally use this method whenever I am in high stress at work or studies or any stressful events happening. See nothing can be more important than the fact that you are alive, so breathe in and breathe out for 5 minutes and focus on your soul. Use the affirmation code ” I am grateful for ….” and practice this every morning to bring stability to your life.

2. Stay active – Do any activity you like that involves physical exercises

Nature is our medicine given by the higher power to us. Human beings are not meant to survive in cooped-up spaces. Go for a walk and you will realize the rewiring in your system and that too instantly!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

3. Go for a long drive

See long drives are healthy. At least I find it like therapy! When you have no vacations ahead of you but need a break, just go for a drive and have a refreshing drink. This will definitely make you less anxious and help you live freely.

4. Be Spontaneous with life

I know life is better planned and am the maestro of that department but what I realized is that nothing can be planned totally in advance and destiny speaks in the end for each one of us. We can only control the part that we are meant to control and the rest is on nature. So be spontaneous with life, believe in detours, and revamping of everything whenever you want. Change should be accepted as it is the only constant.

Photo by Kourosh Qaffari on Pexels.com

5. Learn to give!

Lastly, Gratitude wins the game. I think being thankful to everyone and the higher power for everything you have achieved or have now is a game changer. It is an alpha perspective on life and keeps our egos depleted and our compassion levels rooted. Practice giving to those who deserve it, to those who need it, as an act of humility, as an act of spreading love and humanity. It will more or less fix something within you that you never thought needed healing. 🙂

Lots of love,


Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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