Looking at the Bright Side!

This is a special blog. I have always been super positive about my life through thick and thin, only to realize that every emotion is equally important and should be felt, maybe not intensively but at equivocal limits. Lately, I have been obsessed with spiritual and self-help books to discover really great writers and spiritual coaches all over the globe. These books are all about a minimalist simple lifestyle ( easier said than done!) and how all the little things keep us rooted and in our senses at every phase of life.

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The meaning of the crisis in the past era and in today’s world is black & white different! I think we fetter too much over things that will never happen and we think too much about people that won’t matter. These two are the prime problems for today’s generation. My simple takeaway from these self- help books and life coaches was a mind-boggling one, they gave high importance to a simple yet tricky thing “Prioritize”. We should all give importance to the thoughts we have over the day but not every thought in our mind deserves energy and attention. We should have a priority thinking list prior to having a functional life!

In the next sections, I will share tidbits of what I learned in summary form and how to apply these techniques to look at the bright side of our lives. In the words of Swami Vivekananda, “We claim that concentrating the powers of the mind is the only way to knowledge. In external science, the concentration of mind is—putting it on something external; and in internal science, it is—drawing towards one’s Self. We call this concentration of mind Yoga”

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Research says that an average human mind has around 10,000 thoughts in a single day . No wonder our attention span is less than goldfish! Most of our subconscious mind follows a thinking pattern influenced by repetitions and practice. Hence, yes affirmations work. If every morning , we recite mantras , it is indeed cleansing our subconscious trail by bending the mind in the right direction under our ambit of control.

Secondly, as soon as we have a grasp over subconscious mind , we need to take a look at our conscious mind as well. The conscious mind is an accumulation of everything we consume all day be it pointless scrolling screen time or the people we interact with on daily basis. Our lifestyle matters and have a direct correlation on our health. We can always choose the thoughts and the vibration to be entered in the system to make us spiritually stronger in the long run.

Thirdly and most important, Priority lists are very important. Our time is precious and if we really want to look at the bright side, we need to stop looking at the trivial temporary or past events that are there as circumstantial lessons to help us grow, to be who we are today. It is way health to set priorities higher and decide to live more in our own terms , afterall it will be worthwhile!

Lots of love,


Published by Anawrites

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