Mantra for protecting your aura

In today’s world, the advent of external vibrations can sometimes affect you internally also but is very important to ensure that it is a short period of time. Our souls should behave like water , unaffected by stones, mountains and whatever force may come, the stream should keep flowing. It might freeze or dry up in specific seasons, but it should make it appear everytime after every setback.

Not everything in life is predetermined or permanent, people act through your acquired karmas and sanskars (spiritually speaking) , it is important for us to act through our karmas which should hold the highest ideals and leads us to our vision of bigger picture beyond the temporary situations. All our decisions in life should be an effort to mould us into creating better decision makers and leaders of the future.

The most important quality of a compassionate leader is to show the path by being an example himself. As per teachings of the puranas and the vedas, not everything is black and white in this world , just there are segmentations of different perceptions of experiencing this universe. Human body is essentially 70% water and our innate nature is just like water – where we are “poised and perfectly happy” , calm & serene. Being objective is a n essential ethos of a quality life experience in cosmos. Looking beyond and seeing the bigger picture are the second and third steps that have always guided my soul to where it belongs for real.

Life is unpredictable when it comes to situations . At one moment , we can be on cloud nine and at the next moment, you can feel at your lowest. However, bouncing back stronger & faster is an art we all need to master. The one thing I learnt from self help books that I have read is our control over our thoughts. The prime purpose of this life is to sail through our life through every situation with a certain contemplation of content & noble intentions to have the ultimate fruits of our karmic actions with less frictions. Water should be a part of our nature to dive through emotions smoothly and we should be an excellent surfer of our thoughts to have control over our thoughts. Leaving my readers with one of my favourite quotes ,

One way to win your battles is to actually let go some of them, by losing we gain much more than we think

Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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