A journey with health

From childhood, we are taught that our health is wealth. However, while growing up and stepping into different phases of lives in different roles be it as a careless teenager, as a carefree adult , as a busy working professional, as a responsible parent etc. We lose the essence of our cautiousness towards our own mind and body. Read On!

In today’s world, the pharma industry is at its peak because of the diversified ailments in humans and somewhere we are ignorant of our own health despite the 101 warning signs and it will be no exception when one fine day, that ignored last bit of choices will cost more than a medical bill and an insurance!

For me, taking care of our health is like loving our own body & mind and at the same time respecting our lifestyle while we can. I have made shifts bits by bits but still a long road is yet to be surpassed to reach the peak of my health. We are all healing somewhere but the truth is the process is going to be slower if we do not take the staunch initiatives to feel better everyday and every moment both mentally and physically.

The external world will be always having paradigm shifts as governed by the laws of the universe. However, we do have control over our inner universe and our mind to make healthy choices in a lifetime and to mindfully consume not only what we eat but also what we consume through social media, what we read, what we watch all day and what we pay our attention to. In this dynamic world, we should stick to our stability for our inner world.

If you want a good life like a well lived life , the goal should be not only to look good but also to really feel blissful mentally as well. In the words of Gautama Buddha, “Health is the greatest gift, Contentment the greatest wealth and faithfulness, the best relationship”. It is important to believe in the power of positive steps towards hope and time being the best medicine . We need to be graceful with the transformation towards fitness and mindfulness to make it a part of our daily life.

Published by Anawrites

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