The Bridge of Higher Ideals

Many people think success feels like a vertical ladder but I feel it is rather a horizontal bridge between higher perception and lower self esteem. I think that everything is worth manifesting within the survival limits in this dimension where vision rules the world. However, it is not always possible to have a well defined roadmap but a clarity of the path should be present to throw light ultimately on our self awareness and what we seek from this lifetime.

As humans, we feel the tendency to control everything in our lives without having the baton of control on our own selves. Even the toughest meditation is possible only by proper control of our own minds and thoughts. The truth is nothing is worth controlling because it will lead to failure in our external environment. The trick is to have self discipline within our own selves to have real control of everything in our lives as most of our problems exist only in our minds. “Stop making your problems your mind’s humble abode because it should not be stored there”.

In the recent times, a very important aspect of human mind is the excessive comparison of real life and reel life ( the life potrayed in social forums) which is driving an entire population to no brainer logic that both are same. The mind games that we play on ourselves while make-believe our lives with the set standards of social acceptance and defined normalcy are not only surreal stringent but also not even close to a well lived life.

However, the havoc in the ideals of human mind do not define courage, serenity , loyalty , patience and honesty as predefined qualities for living a healthy life but instead we are driven towards falsification, ego, corrupt personalities, dual lives and filtered words to potray our egos to the world through the conduits of social forums and communities. The definition of well lived life is not found in the chaos of social hypocrisy but in the silence and humility of true identity. We all need to channelize our energies at some point to find our true selves in our lifetime and utilize this moment or it will just pass on like the wind.

The moral of my blog today is to enlighten ourselves to higher ideals through gratification of true virtues of mankind often preached by stoics school of thoughts as Modesty, Taming the Tongue,Good Judges of Value,Bravery, Kindness, Courage and Fellowship. It is always possible to see the light if we want to see it from our heart and walk in that direction. Let’s use our energies wisely and spend our times mindfully investing in happiness as multiplied returns!

With lots of compassion and love for my readers,


Published by Anawrites

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