Why unsolicited advice is not tempting?

Socrates once said – “Knowing yourselves has extraordinary prestige in our culture”.

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In today’s world, we have a lot of crowded spaces for life-coaches and advisors around us. Even people are ready to pay a hefty fees to a therapist for listening to their rants all day and drawing calm conclusion to rest their chaotic mind. However, it is rather interesting to note that too many of us are good at judging and forming a strong opinion of other’s lives and not learning the truth about themselves. The idea of a perfect life is a myth and the dimension of an advisor in rescue is even a broader delusion. At some low point in the background of everybody’s life, we do need listeners always but advisors ( maybe not that desirable).

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The truth about uniqueness of every individual is well talked about in the eastern mythology as well. In the verse of Bhagavad Gita, seventh chapter , Krishna says to Arjuna , ” The true knowledge of the self is the light of wisdom that dispels the darkness of ignorance and vanishes all doubts. Through devotion and determination, Arjuna, you can gain that knowledge“. We all wear different hats at different points in our life and we can only imagine the vibrations of another soul but not feel it with that intensity unless we are deep-rooted to the knowledge our self-wisdom. Differences and uniqueness exists as we feed into the darkness of judgements and arrogance without any consideration of the others. It is rather easy to judge than to self-reflect, that is why monks often keep 5 minutes of their day towards self-reflection and what activities they did in a particular day to contribute toward their self-awareness.

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We all need self-awareness before going for a random unsolicited advice so that we are not secluded by our judgements while forming an opinion about other people’s way of life and choices. We all are capacitated by the higher energy with universal perception , however , we are often clouded by our own assumptions of right and wrong way of living while giving advice and not listening enough or feeling the vibes in fullest form of consciousness.

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Sattvic way of life is so moderating because external reality is a myth and they are equipped with the universal perception and the ability to feel energies undergoing the different phases of existence. Hence, whenever, you find yourself in divulging to form a strong opinion about someone or some place or some incident, take a pause to know yourself this time to form a clean perception devoid of ignorance, darkness of arrogance, too full of yourself. It is high time for both sides to practice mind-fullness and clean thinking to have a clean perception of life in it’s true being. In this way, everyone will be blissful in their unique goals of life and pursue them with fullness devoid any unsolicited and un-tempting advice!

Lots of love ,


Published by Anawrites

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