Why being Spiritual is an assertive way of life?

In the era of evolution of humanity and expansion, it is more than necessary to stay rooted every day. Being rooted, keeps the humans more open and instigates awareness about the limitations of mankind. It is more than important to include an inner peace routine in your daily schedule no matter who you are by external identity. Our inner world and subconscious needs our time too.

It is an entire generation moving on impulsive lifestyles and influential character. If all of the humanity transcends into extra consumption of clone ideas of life, then we defy the whole purpose of individuality that creation has accounted for in each one of beings. We all have special qualities and powers that makes us unique creatures. If we stop nurturing the divine force in us, we lose the highest form of living in this planet to the utmost potential.

In Bhagavad Gita, Vishu says “Our life is a reflection of the quality of thoughts in our head”. I think it is more than important to have discipline of thinking. At every point of our life, we delve into moments where feel the pressure to think hayward , but in reality the world does not turn upside down totally if you clasp it with the thread of thought discipline and to totally eliminate negative thoughts from your mind space, it is the effective way .

We all need a divine sense in ourselves to understand the true nature of our place in earth or in universe for that matter. Humans are able to make rational moves in a decorum thats what distinguishes homo sapiens from animals. However, these days the increased consumption of unwanted media, colonial wisdom, mass-deception, time wasting content has lead to no sense in humanity and bring about dependencies on screens of devices as if , humans are debarred from brain of their own to think in an unique sense!

Today , we have given birth to the trend of dopamine shots of gadget addiction, less customary contact with people, less time with nature and mass-opinionated clones having same ideology despite individualism and staunch vigour. I am blessed to be in an era of character solidification in my time about 10 years back without any dependency on any external social validation. It is a much needed standpoint today to bring about transformation in our lifestyle by incorporating meditation as necessary as social life online and spiritual knowledge enhancement as necessary as doctor consultation for our mental space expansion beyond the realms of survival.

It is high time, we talk about virtues again, morality with pleasure and compassion with animals . The millennials are only getting the taste of the internet with unrestricted access to unnecessary information that debarred a filtered lifestyle but it is necessary to teach the next gen the importance of minimalistic, simple and strong character in the longer run in the game of life. According to Marcus Aurelius , the king of Greek philosophy ” The soul becomes dyed with the colors of its own thoughts”. This brings about the best of the thought discipline and minimalistic sense of existence.

Published by Anawrites

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