At the edge of two crossroads.

Lucky are those privileged humans who are endowed with choices in this lifetime. Most of us are not ready to face the consequences of our decisions in day to day life. Every moment and second of our life revolves around taking the correct step for our decisions and lie in the bed that you have made as the old saying goes! It is very crucial for us to meditate, observe silence and have faith in our inner conscience to think constructively in decision making process.

Being a management student, we are taught in universities to use various tools to judge our decisions and it almost works out 90% of time in businesses because it is a foreplay of mind more than heart. However, there is always a war between our heart and mind whenever we are embarking on the edge of the two roads diverged in yellow woods(Ruskin Bond) and I always took the road less travelled! From taking the most uncommon subject in ninth to taking the most versatile career, I always loved adventure to experience the thrill of life.

I must say I am a risk-taker! I can jump into a well after doing so much for a long time for one thing if it does not align with my conscience anymore and I must say, my heart won everytime! Remember always, heart is never wrong if followed with a humble mind. I believe that every decision leaves behind some unsaid and semi-finished tasks but let’s move ahead always towards our ultimate purpose of existing in this universe for the universe. Everyday we have the choice to be content and faithful to our choices of life and realise our true potential at the present or to ponder upon the past and delve into the unfinished business with places, people, things, incidents and memories.

Decisions are evaluated often on the basis of present moment and not on the basis of wider perception (the bigger picture). The most astounding business leaders of this world , Warren Buffet said ” You only have to do very few things right in your life, so long as you do not do too many things wrong”.

Some instances of our life propels us to take the decision that changes everything, so we always gets flustered into the cobwebs of external influences and past experiences to finally reach a conclusion. However, the point that most are missing is doing what you “love” is the only key to have a good and healthy life and not any other factor. If we do the right things at the right time and follow our strong inner calling, we will definitely enrich ourselves and those lives around us and impacted by us. Being well off and having a well being are ultimate opposites of the same coin and life is to be lived devoid of regrets, boundless possibility and rooted choices to have a simple way of living. So let’s dive in to make that important decision fearlessly to take a step today towards the right path!

Love ,


Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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