Discovering the void of the universe and life!

The word “void” sounds like the dead stars mystery of the universe towards the pathway of nothingness. Latest research has even picturized the validation of the real black spots in the universe in our very own galaxy. However, we are only about to discuss on the void of life and not only universe, the fear of nothingness.

I have realised that we all reach the zero point of our life where we feel nothing, we want nothing and we feel lighter at that moment itself. Somewhere , or other we are all scared of voids and mysterious vacuums. No wonder , that so many of us has resorted to external suits of material world in the hope of finding that lost feeling or to just bridge the gap. But it is a failed attempt just like our economy’s attempt to bridge the gap between rich and poor . After researching through religious and spiritual spectrums so far to see this void world in a less void perspective, I have found a conclusion to the ultimate quest that humanity seeks. It seeks ‘validation for completeness as per the doctrines of society’.

The core wise men who ever lived in this planet from Darwin to Socrates has suggested that external pursuits are short lived memento for your high quality ambitions constricted within the boundaries of survival and five senses. The true relic will be to look within and to find innermost validation for completeness , that will be the answer to half of your problems and challenges in life. Our subconscious is the most powerful asset of human existence and the problem is that not enough people are taking the stance to nurture their spiritual existence and to fill the ‘real void’.

If you are someone who feels void very often despite having all the external physical pursuits that life has to offer, it is time for you to seek the path of universe and creation. It is the only way to subside the chaos of seeking void and come to a settlement with your subconsciousness and looking beyond the realms of survival. We all are gifted with the capacity to meditate, have a healthy lifestyle, to be kind and to be forgiving. However, the feeling of nothingness is both a stigma and a boundary to something new, every dead star becomes a void in the universe (into the path of non existence), however every living star gives light to unsurmountable planets and sustains life as well with its grace and presence. Therefore, it is time to shine from your innermost self beyond the vices of the physical existence and to seek the void with connection to the creation and respect for the existence every day. Hence, live like a graceful monk like a lively star before giving yourself to the void.

Thanks with lots of love,


Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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