Mission to enjoy the journey

Our unique lives have unique goals to live this lifetime. However, 90% of us only spent half of our lives in contemplation of the future as if our lives are the sample data of budget forecasting and we are all on a tight budget to smile every second so as to enjoy every moment of present.

I was having one of those silent saturdays where I binge watched three movies and absolutely did nothing except eating and sleeping as my week comprised of brainstorming and burnout at work. However, this simple silence was so peaceful – no texts , no calls except from delivery guys..and absolutely no chaos. I think that’s what we need sometimes after too much noise, our own illusionary silent space to repair and restart another week .Now coming to the journey, I have always enjoyed long drives more than the destination itself. The secret to maintaining the same level of curiosity through the journey is to let go of the control button of your engine and enjoy the life as it comes. That’s how you figure out your personal journey .

Life can be enjoyed by simple things because we are rooted with nature. If you have a dream, you will have to learn or I would say practice patience. Now, while you are being patient , you can do millions of things to make the life around you better, you can be more kind, your words can bring joy, your small actions can change someone’s life, your simple advise can help someone. It is easy to be wise, it is a matter of time and perspective that life unravels its true wisdom in our story and we achieve what we deserve and what we worked for.

I have been in a buzzing state of mess for quite few months on the personal level , it is during this time , I got the zest to discover the book by Ryan Holiday and Robin Sharma. I realised that happiness is within and chaos is also within . The root of all our miseries relies in the roots of our being. In life, we have full control over ourselves and self-control is the biggest relic that you need to conquer in your quest of life.

In todays world, very few people have the attention span to listen, read, see, stare or even experience fully. Everyone are half-hearted stakeholders mostly unless they turn down their several distractions. Humans lost when lost the essence of devotion in what they do. If you visit a temple, you will realise that every devotee is fully focussed and fully absorbed in the present moment that they share with their higher power. The journey of our life needs to be experienced fully and that is possible only by devotion alone devoid of survival. Only the devotion and love can bring about enjoyment in the journey as you seek nothing but yourself and the source of your creation alone . In this state, humans are selfless and pure, that’s what I call mission accomplished my friend. Quoting from Ramayan , Ram said while releasing his arrow towards Vasistha “Duty.Honour.Honesty”. It is at this moment, he is selfless and dutiful while embodying his honour birth (existence) and honesty (Truth).

Yours Lovingly!


Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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