Why it is essential to love what you do?

From the beginning of time, humans have manouevered to seek the meaning of this life in universe. Many have acclaimed survival modifications to seek meaning and others have sought after the broader truth of existence. However, the deeper truth is happiness lies in compassion. That is true meaning to our lives , from what I read and experienced.

I read a lot and my last novel was ” Dune Road” by Jane Green, one of the beloved writers of my choice, I discovered an inner meaning to our lives and that is , it does not really matter if you are over-ambitious or not ambitious at all. In an era of corporate hot-shots and over-achievers, or so flaunted by social media intoxication, human beings are delving into a state of insecurity madness. Be it your first job or your first degree or another sphere of your life, why everything is susceptible to comparison?

The transition of a human being from the inception towards the varied phases of life can be both gruelling like a treasury hunt or the ultimate answer to the existence euphoria. Like, I found my ikigai in writing and expressions of pure nature, I am sure that each one of us loves doing something that does not have to be artistic or grand, rather I suggest that you can do a small pity thing with great perfection ( Like Making Candles!) , only thing matters is that you enjoy it to the fullest . The only thing that makes you be at peace and loving your life. As a matter of fact, we all can be a part of cogenial ecosystem everywhere, if you just mentally stop comparing, as you are comparing apples with oranges ( Being a privileged part of family of siblings of three, I can say , that it is a futile parameter to even compare your own children to psychologically program them to always compare to drive a competitive spirit.

Role Models and Admiration is healthy and larger than life that gives impetus to our growth and higher spirits of achievement in our individual spheres of passion, however competency spirit development by comparison of apples and oranges is just another toxic Instagra culture ! If you are always comparing , you will miss out the life – ” your life” to obsess with someone else’s footsteps or purpose. You will not love your job or your life for that matter as you are comparing yourself to the wrong things! The wrong things in the sense that it is not a parameter to even judge, however, the right track of thinking could be inspiration and admiration to do better in your own niche and be happy because you did your ultimate best.

It may sound foolish, but you are a minuscle part of the huge universe, and your purpose here is to evolve to highest version of yourself and experience life to the ultimate following your heart. Coming back to Dune Road – the main character of the novel ( Protagonist) seeks separation from her partner and it is a whole new version of herself that she discovers after creeping out of the shell of material lifestyle. I really find it strange how people are comfortable with living the life they are feeling out of place at or doing something they do not really like everyday for the rest of the lifetime to fit the so-called conventions of righteous way of living life.

In reality of the 21st century, the Gen Z are freedom seeking enthusiasts who are inclined to breaing rules and fighting the stereotypes of daily life. I say, revolt is necessary but peace is essential, if we are on a march to discard the wisdom of the entire generation, we might be missing out on learning the important lessons of our ancestors. The only thing that topples their life and ours are not only the professional achievements and freedom of thought but I feel a healthy generation devoid of extra consumption of pre-conceived careers and true voices to speak for your contribution to the community as a whole is the only conduit of happiness and our work is to fulfill our karma by helping this world with the best we can, with the best resources we have and not to seek personal grandeur that will only lead to emptiness just like the novel – Dune road!

Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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