Can we delete Unnecessary Past and Guilt Trips ?

This article felt too personal to share and that’s why it is a writer’s responsibility to share every bad chapters of life in great detail , because to a writer, every thing that happens in life is a story , every chapter is necessary and every character is a contribution to your iconic story that we call our life . Let’s dive.

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It happened with me when I left my first job, It happened when I fell in love but did not worked out the way I wanted years back , trust me there was not much difference between both the feelings I experienced, except a thin line of professional touch to my work and a formal procedure. The feelings of past will always be a stone that can be unturned , only if our minds know how to deal with it. Our life events are not a bad chapter of an e-book that can be just deleted by pressing a button on your keyboard. We are the creator of our stories, we experience our stories like real-time, and to my acknowledgment till date, every bad phase did came to an end. I woke up the next day which was not easy at all, I cleared the clutter. And that’s my catch phrase solution to everyone suffering from guilt trips and ” what-ifs”.

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Trust me, when you took that decision, you are clarity yourself in that particular moment of your life and it is just a waste of time and thoughts to go into that merry-go-round loop in a desperate attempt to delete that moment from your life! I always found solace in clearing the clutter ( both in my head and in my room). The key to avoiding guilt-trips is to stop over-emphasizing the positive things , the reason for being your neutral mind-space and to think logically. The most important part of avoiding any bad chapters is to cease to classify them as “bad”. All phases are quintessential for our character formation and strengthens our perceptions and wisdom as the lessons are an unique experience we go through. Whenever there is a change in the natural course of our life, our mind gets buzzed with millions of thoughts and unnecessary guilt-trips of the past, only to reconcile that the present version is an all-together different person .

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It is essential that we learn, we change every second along-with the course of our life, with every event, every journey and every relationship. We learn more , accept more and resent a little less each day. The theory of life is to forgive the unforgettable , then you need not worry about forgetting . As they say, time is the best teacher and holding past as a benchmark only to judge your footsteps ahead in your life is the right thing to do!

Signing off,

Lots of Care and Love,


Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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