Pause and Re-Start

Remember that time when your TV/Desktop stops working and you usually blatantly pause and re-start it after sometime and it works just fine! Today, I will talk about the way of life to send us internalized messages about when to pause and when to restart! After-all, any worthwhile journey cannot be in loop forever, If it is in loop, maybe it is a circle….

Restarting…… 3…..2…….1

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So, I recall this quote – ” Turn Your Wound Into Wisdom” – Oprah Winfrey. In the past few years , life have been transforming for every person , however to generalize the certain milestones of life, I think restarting is detoxifying to our soul. Be it the hectic work life balance, relationships, family issues or anything, we need break and also brakes ( pause from life) for proper functioning of everything.

The state of nothingness ( zero) is very powerful in this universe. This state helps us to seek our real purpose of existence in this lifetime. From childhood, we all are programmed to think in a certain manner but most of the things that we believe are imposed upon us by parents, schools, religion, culture, ethnicity but has very little connection to do with our real-self. Sometimes, we feel lost in life. That’s what I was feeling two years back. It was the last day of college farewell, and as far as I remember I was a super-alpha female with no goals but all I knew was I have to do my thing someday. It is normal for many students to figure out what they want to become in life as early as high school. But in my case, I had no clue . I was standing in a long queue for the high school stream selection form when I choose finance as my subject because of my love for economics, only to figure out later that duo was different!

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Many times in life, we choose the wrong drink in a club or the wrong friend in the college only assuming that it will turn up the way we want some day. The truth is – creme bruele can never be jell-o ( Ref: My Best Friend’s Wedding). It means that only we can make the things that we imagine happen, nobody else can make it happen for us. The Great Pause is equally crucial in life as much as the Great Recession in Economics!

The key to realizing your truest vision of your way of life is the silence or the pause button. Pause does not define by overthinking or procastination. Pause is doing something you love and then figuring out answers that lie deep within you. It is as simple as engrossing for a walk, a gentle reading session, a social club activity or any other hobby you have. This set of pause-detox activities will render a direction to your personal goals and perceiving life from a narrator’s perspective and not as the primary subject.

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The Restarting mindset can start anytime in your life. It will get you out of your programmed track and get you to where you belong. The job that does not fit, the partner that does not respond or the friend that does not understand your lifestyle, It can be any issue at any point of time that instigates to kick start again from the scratch. It is important to have faith in your inner intuitions and belief the power of this universe to guide your soul. Concluding, when you get that opportunity or that push after restarting, it is high time for you to unleash yourself and soar high like an eagle!

Published by Anawrites

well , find out.

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