Is the word “Love” Undervalued ?

The problems with this GenY ( Managerial Jargon) explains it quite well is mixing of realism with the virtual world. Yes, We are depreciating th valuation of the word “Love” in so many ways , in so many adjectives , in so many emotions that we do not value it anymore. It is a huge question to me about the fact that : ” Can the generation get past the materialism to meet reality or simply merge the two and make it even more unprecedented to decipher ?

Love is the underdog of the era. It has been the most utilised weapon to do vile materialism and pro-active deception through nuances. This has happened due to multiple reasons – Replacement . Replacement of love letters with texting , Replacement of Calling with Texts , Replacement of Person meetups with Groupchats , Replacement of Counselling with Stalking and much more are still on the platter.

The art of thinking straight is gone and people believe in doing impulsive stuffs now. The impulse of using digital devices , just like the impulse of feeling the need to isolate or disconnect after too much of exposure. Digital devices are like an external organ of human beings now carrying all the datas and the so called “emotions”. Emotional dysfunctionality is a serious issue now as most people have no clue what they are doiing because of influence of exteral medias – ( Major distractions) and ofcourse itt gives them ample space to be miserable at the same time.

Love was replaced by an adjective long ago that carried no subtle meaning other than past events and imaginary instances or future expectations based on totally flawed parameters ofcourse. The base of love originated from the inttensity to feel which was cropped by impulse, materialism , deception and amateur expectations. We have undervalued the word “love” by using it just like another adjective , another abstract noun, another chapter , another part , another story , another fling , another crush , another breakup , another infatuation , another person – Just to avoid the word “love”.

With Love ,


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Published by Anawrites

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