How to deal with the challenges that life bargains with your dream ?

Change is constant. Manage it well. | The Drum

Now , that many people in this world are worried about the definition of “new normal”. It is a point that can be noted as for our life , that nothing is permanent , yes not even us. Well, I am not stressing on the end of time but the constant change of personality with time. The only key to deal with change is to stare at the bigger picture and the bigger goals of your existence.

The moment you might be pretty or ugly and it might feel like forever , but the truth is a bad breakup , a bad job , a bad friendship and a bad relationship with the ones you used to trust can trouble you mentally and stay with you forever “for the time being”. The key to tackle the change that can happen at any age is the key to life. Consistency is pleasing and boring and growth demands change and constant adjustments so that you can mould yourself anywhere like water. The life itself comes with a suit of purpose for you to stand between you and your dreams. Yes, you might not be there it , but you are walking ? That’s totally fine to sit in the way to take rest and take your time to process it. Even a software update of your phone needs 1 damn hour!

Why Challenges And Problems Are Important In Life | Fast Company

Give yourself a break by spending time with yourself and your dreams to change your perspective and do something you love the entire day. The key to proper relaxation after a stressful phase is always starting with something you love and yes , love can change a lot of things ! It can be talking to a friend , writing a piece , painting , reading , playing music , reflecting your thoughts , you can do it by being quiet and still be responsible for your well being. The bigger question about life is ” Why do we stay away from the things you love because of temporary bliss ?” . The truth about being mindful lies somewhere between you and your updated version. The handful number of souls you connect with , the bigger meaning to your existence , the intellect you feed , the contribution for the needful surroundings are all connected to your future . Everything that happens in life has a bigger sign than it shows initially . However , it is highly important to be true to yourself if not anyone when it comes to feeding your soul and mind with the “ultimate happiness” and how strongly you revolt against the stringent times during a stormy weather . Find your key to change today and trust the higher power in everything he does because he heard conversations that you did not .

7 Ways To Live Life With a Purpose

Yes , we live in a world , where the need of the hour is positivity and changing yourself because changing the world is just not in our hands. It is absolutely essential to take out time for the things you love in between the chaos , the temporary , the deception , the struggling emotions , the bargaining dreams. It is important to realize that your dreams can never be underpriced and the price tags for your dreams are solely in your hands, so for the better and the happiness , happiness is the ” Cup of coffee with a loved one “, ” A phone call” and ” A blog Away” ( If you are a writer!) . Thank You .



Published by Anawrites

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